
That trailer was so excellent I watched it twice! Danielle Macdonald is GORGEOUS. I’m pretty generous with the Netflix movies I’ll try out since it’s free (yes yes I pay monthly but compared to a redbox or Amazon prime rental that doesn’t count) but I am actually looking forward to this one now. 

MBJ: I don’t only date white women.

i think she’s not mocking britney but feeling that she needs to jam out because everything is fucked.  i kind of am down with it. ;) 

I see Romany with a dash of Jeff Goldblum. Anyone else?

Juliette, I love you, but what is happening? Is a Thetan trying to bust out? Can you not heed previous pleas and leave Britney alone?  I need to know. 

“Can you imagine 25 years of marriage, to one person, even Barack Obama? Or 25 years of anything?”

Oh, children. You don’t imagine the time. You imagine the things you’d like to do with your time. And then you try to do them.
(Just celebrated 26 years of marriage with Mr. UrbanAchiever and no, we didn’t imagine it. We

RIP, Mr. Lee. 

Woods is a (not great) person as opposed to a senile id with feet.

I think that it’s very heartening to know that the Obamas went to marriage counselling, considering how genuinely happy they seem to be.

Just when you think you can’t love this incredible woman any more.

wait do we not like dennis quaid? i like dennis quaid. i mean, nothing against harrison ford, i just never thought of dennis as a poor man's anything. 

....Your first paragraph of questions seems kind of disingenous to me? It’s a very well-documented thread, for those that are looking for it, that women musicians have a tough go of it: that they’re constantly asked what it’s like to be ‘a girl in a band’ (Kim Gordon literally named her memoir that), articles break

Kyle MacLachlan, oh how I love you.

Benadryl Cummerbund is correct

I always liked Ariana Grande (and when I say “always,” I mean, like, for the better part of the last decade), but I am liking her more every day. It was always just a matter of time before people saw past her exterior and realized how great she is.

Huh? You can’t love your father and hate the patriarchy? Are we back to thinking that feminism means hating men?

“It’s not gonna work. We’re too intellectual, we’re too smart for that, you know?”

The only part about being a lawyer that sounds appealing to me is to to write terse letters in lawyer-speak telling people to fuck off and die