
The Smith machine is a problem because it actually increases your potential for injury by forcing your lift into a fixed, unnatural path, and because you get very little out of your time in the gym by not using your stabilizer muscles. It’s not really lifting weight, it’s moving weight up and down a cable.

You definitely use clips for this amount of weight. His two issues were (1) ego lifting and (2) using bad equipment. In competitons, either OLY/Strongman/Powerlifting, a clip or clamp is always used to secure the weight. This guy had no chance in hell of squatting this even if it had stayed on.

Imagine how black people must feel.

But these events don’t exist in a vacuum. This type of action and the way the FBI chooses to respond to it is going to affect how people think and act. This could inspire and justify more seizures of property in the minds of extremists in this country. Shrugging it off is to miss the big-picture implications.

This is an armed occupation of a government building! Please tell me in what way this would NOT be considered terrorism when done on American soil. I get it, I might have a skewed opinion being a PoC in America...but why are the kid gloves on when whites do terrible things but non-white get called everything under the

Like I said in the other post, Chris Harris is spot on about the Miata.

Anyone wanting access would boot from another means and utterly own everything in the machine. full disk encryption is the ONLY secure way. Grub password is just to keep the kids out of your laptop

Actually if you want to be hyper pendantic the En Bloc clip goes back to the introduction of the French Berthier 1892

It’s gotta pass tech!

You’re not being a jerk, you’re being pedantic.

Over-correct? Look at those front wheels again. He made no move to counter-steer whatsoever! Those wheels remained pointing straight ahead as the back end of the car came around.

Judging by the wheel angle on this and BMW bro, I don’t see an overcorrect at all...

10/10 would hoon on a school night.

I understand that. I see how, on paper, Lamborghini is making the car that I guess its buyers want. Practically, it makes sense.

That wasn’t a tank slapper, dude just drove into a mountain.

The whole never intended to race thing is such a stinking pile of Brit BS..

They built a race car so we are all surprised it turned out to be a ....., race car?

The Miata is no Elise. The Elise is weight restricted in practically every aspect. The Miata is a fat cow in comparison.

He’s saying you’re stupid because you give him a hard time for his unique situation not being “upper middle class’ by saying that your unique situation DOES represent the upper middle class.

Now I understand. You can afford a brand new Porsche.. because you are splitting the rent on somebody else’s townhome. Thats straight out hilarious!!!