
“I hit stupid orange cones all the time, ON PURPOSE, because, like Elon, I realize they serve no useful purpose except to hold back a multitide ofimbeciles like you, sitting in your cars, slaves to one stupid little orange cone.”

Patrick, thanks for not banning Mergio or I back in the day.

Those klugey MMI’s control more and more things on some cars and some(like the Tesla 3) would be almost dead in the water without them. Having had Ford Stync fry the backside of my spouse on the expressway when it glitched out even a fairly basic one can create a hazardous driving condition.

Obvious joke stretches my photoshop skills but welcome to the future:

I’d pay $155,000 just for that Helvetica side badge. It’s honestly the coolest badge available on any car currently on sale. Like something straight out of trendy 1960s European ad copy. I know it’s gimmicky, but damnit I love it.

If I go snuff out the eternal flame with my ass, will my highschool architectural doodles be in the Louvre in 300 years?

My experience after 45k miles with autopilot one is that it’s nice to have a second system backing you up and it does reduce fatigue on a long trip, making me feel a lot safer. Treat it like a teenager driving, it can do it, and it’s helpful but you’d better watch it.

But! It’s bad at communicating its own limits. If

Yes - those tiny shorts! But don’t underestimate the power of Lycra instead (the reason football is my favorite sport to watch - sports generally being my least favorite thing to watch).

Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.

Hey Torch, man, thanks for a bunch of good times here. I’m sorry the site is exploding due to weaponized incompetence, but if it’s any consolation the work you and your colleagues do is great, and I am confident it will soon be recognized by someone who knows how to, say, own and operate a media website.

Did you just use gay to mean lame? What is this? Jr high in 90s?

That has way more to do with the products than the unions. All those German carmakers are unionized back home in Germany. As are the Korean makers. Unions didn’t hold them back, because their products sell themselves.

Mind blowing

Now make a convertible.

i’ve been trying to convince people of this for a long time

When you hit the wheelstop but still crash through the front of the store. 

May your laser remain forever unfocused, Megan.

What vehicle has an ECU cooling fan?

Tesla, for trying to replace the driving experience with Screen Time All The Time

No, and it’s not a true CVT at all, it’s a power split device, which consists of a single planetary gearset that uses electric motors to get CVT behavior.