
I just read the bulletin. Everyone needs to read it carefully so you read what is says and not what you think it says.

While you’re right that batteries are heavy, you’re leaving out the fact that EV drivetrains are a lot lighter than ICE. At the end of the day, there's not much difference.

This is neither here nor there, but this video reminds me of the time I had to film this same kind of drill from inside a helicopter. The pilot had to fake a medical emergency midair and become unresponsive. The Pilot and I knew what was going on, but the flight crew (air med) didn’t and it was a test to see how they

This is the QOTD. Its results have been 100% slideshows for over a full year. Bold prediction.

Modern processors also require less power and are more thermally efficient. That makes them more reliable, not less.

that’s a funny take and not totally made up

Big Car That Automaker Names After Sports Car Despite Groaning From Enthusiasts Doesn’t Turn Good

Toyota unintended acceleration. Everyone still thinks it’s related to idiot drivers and floor mats instead of a giant corporation lying about a software defect only to eventually be caught. Unfortunately by the time that happened nobody cared anymore and we had committed the lie to memory. Myself included until

1st and 2nd Gear: One point worth noting: A LOT of global warming projections are built on the idea that we’re going to cross 11 billion humans on Earth and that we are never going to stop burning shit to power other shit.

The latter assumption has already been blown to hell and is going to keep doing so. Now it’s

The F-150 Lightning’s 300 range estimate includes a 1,000 lbs. payload.

Blipshift makes some classy, graphic car T-shirts. I have 5 or 6.

Fun fact that many of Jalopnik’s more urban dwelling readers may not know: Many tractors, floaters (spreaders), and sprayers are level 3 autonomous once they’re in the field.
It starts with planting. You enter parameters for the field and the tractor drives itself (about 99%) and pulls the planter. Then the file goes

His goal is to become the disgraced founder and CEO of a fraudulent biotech startup by the age of 14.

I know for a fact that the Windwaker Speedrunning community allows for modded copies of the game that guarantees a random event happens.

No one will ever change my mind on this: underglow looks awesome. Of awful early oughts car fads, it was the best. The one I hated the most? Altezza lights. God those were awful. And I guess fart cans, but even those still hold an amusing place in my heart. I heard some clapped out car with a fart can yesterday, and

I can’t wait for lowrider pickups to come back in style.

Imagine the horror when you get into your friend’s car and they have organized their gauge units like they organize their homework binders - that is to say not at all - and you can’t find the tach anywhere. The clock is lying on the floor, the radio is in the front of the wheel, the speedo has been discarded for being

Blimey, is he in the way of his accuser?

Yeah, there’s that cool sign in Wilmington, NC: