
Not a specific answer, but every time I’ve bought a new crapheap, I would join an Internet forum dedicated to said crapheap. Then you have to spend the first few months just trying to decipher all the new nomenclature for that particular vehicle’s engines, transmissions, parts, etc.

“My GenIII Vulcan with AX4N.

You should come to my neck of the woods, here in SE Texas. You'd see plenty of single cab pickups here, running wild and free, as God intended.

Nah, it’s kinda useful for every day life.

To be fair, it says right there on the back of the truck “DODGE”.

B. One on top of the other.

Man, do I hope somebody revives the body of Saab. Exhibit A:

And in that moment, our future seemed like it could only be bright, like the glass panels in our Mitsubishi Delica Exceed’s Crystal Lite Roof.

The tenth one should have been a Millenia.

The 5th gen refresh is my favorite Camaro. I'd own one right along side my Mustang if I could haha. Not a fan of the 6th gen or it's mid cycle refresh though. Capable cars but they butchered the looks for me 

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I was telling a buddy about that the other day— Of the FOUR Type 4 cars— Thema, Croma, 164 and 9000, three of them weighed within a few kilograms of each other. HOWEVER, despite having only a 4-cylinder, the 9000 weighed 300 kilograms MORE than a 164, even though the 164 had a Busso V6 in it. I told him, even if he

But not the fastest - a Saab 9000 Aero will blow its doors off. Showing yet again the superiority of the turbo 4. ;-)

What Trump’s EPA is doing with CTI is promoting solutions (low or no emissions truck technology) rather than doing its fucking job, which is to set clear and present emissions standards. It’s job is to not put out bullshit press releases about bullshit initiatives. It’s the old carrot instead of sticks as far as

Gus from high school in 1990. Drove a Honda CRX which had been worked over a little. There was one particularly painful intersection near the high school that had interminable wait times as it was a collection of about 8 roads crossing one another. He used to just haul ass up the wrong side of the medium with cars

I have/have had a bunch of cool cars, but the ranger gets the most compliments.

2 seats, 3 pedals, 4 driven wheels, 5 gears and 6 cylinders. Through in some fiberglass box sides an odometer that read 330,000 miles and that was my truck before it got sent to the farm. (No litterally, I didn’t scrap it, It went to a friends farm as a field truck for the price of a bottle of scotch )

But it appears to be brown and a manual, so there’s that.

The small diesels aren’t as good as they seem - the standards aren’t “get 54.5 MPG fleet average”, they’re “emit fleet average CO2 equivalent to a gasoline car getting 54.5 MPG on the 1978 test cycle”. (This is much more lax than the current cycle, FWIW.)