
I really enjoyed this run of Thor as a superhero comic but I really hated its treatment of Jane in regards to her cancer. When Jane and her cancer were reintroduced back in the previous series (Thor: God Of Thunder, you should read it, it’s good!) she refuses all the mystical options that Thor (Odinson) offers because

A big problem is that they keep pushing Carol as their main female hero, their Wonder Woman.

I viewed it through the lens of Gillen’s take on the gods in Journey into Mystery. In his run, Loki talked about how gods aren’t beings of history, they’re beings of story. They aren’t built on what they’ve actually done and said, they’re built on the stories told about them. In this series, Loki changed a villain by

The one thing that immediately pops in my head is if the single-guest format means they won’t book some of the people that would normally be the second interview. Some of those are really solid and I’d miss that.

I don’t like this. While I have never seen a Steve Allen or Jack Paar hosted Tonight Show, I still feel that format must be respected until the sun finally fizzles out in the year three billion.

I’m ok with this. You can sometimes tell Conan gets a little bored with the really structured interviews and monologues. He’s got a really good production team and writers so hopefully this turns out well. He’s my favorite late night host since Craig Ferguson left.

Tell you what, there is serious money in cults if you have no scruples. A buddy of mine who works as a freelancer in LA got hired once by Scientology. Basically they wanted him to hang around one of their locations with a camera, in case one of their former members tried to return to harass staff. Kinda Michael

Did they have a competitive benefits package?

True story: I almost worked for this cult.

I dunno. Freeman, in just about every profile, admits that he’s not the affable like the characters he plays and he can be a bit of a dick. This EW profile is like every other in-depth one I have read.

I’d say Cumberbatch is more level-headed about the fans, but then he goes and calls Freeman’s reaction “pathetic”. I may have to agree with you.

Yeah I mean you kind of want heroes (especially superheroes) to try and strive to do good when they can. It was at least worth a shot.

I feel like that’s getting more and more plausible. Write down the whole thing and get it to their past selves in the future. Then go bomb the chamber and find Alex and erase his memories (so no one can rebuild it). Find Creel and get him to help with rescuing Talbot. Then arrest Hale and destroy her Kree teleport.

Actually, Comey is bad.

This show looks fun. I’ll check it out. 15 minute episodes definitely help

Bernie Sanders probably has a receipt from a bus ticket to Saginaw, MI from 1978 and a 12-year-old roll of peppermint Certs in his coat pocket right now.

Can we start spreading a rumor that Elon Musk is a classic conspiracy nut and that’s the drive behind all his business ventures? The Boring Company is looking for an entrance to Hollow Earth. Space X is trying to land a rocket on Niburu, Earth’s shadowy twin on the other side of the Sun.  Tesla exists so he can

They weren’t frequent, but there were times that Art shut people down. If he detected insincerity from a caller or guest, he would challenge them aggressively. If you sincerely claimed that you had been reduced to 1 mm in height and lived in the pocket of a Smurf, Art would let you go on as long as you were

Not the greatest villains but i always like Shields attempts to have different types of villains fueled by very relatable motivations.

I pretty much came to the same conclusion although I’m still not really crazy about them as villains. Hopefully we can do better in a Season 6.