
In fairness, I don’t think where he was born in 1920 would have much bearing on his cell phone area code.

The joke Emilia Clarke is telling must be very funny. But everything is so well-lit, and everyone so well-dressed, that I doubt the sincerity. So much else is going in the room: a giant banner headline proclaiming the name of the show, an unexceptional camera in foreground dwarfing them all, two stainless tables that

I really liked that show and wish it had lasted longer. My local PBS station was so erratic in scheduling it, it’s pretty clear they had no faith in it. The movie review TV show is pretty much a dead format in the age of YouTube but I certainly miss it a lot.

Some people are great thinkers and writers but just can’t think fast, and other people are morons but natural bullshitters. It’s kind of funny how human brains work.

I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of watching these clips. They clearly loved each other. But damn, Siskel’s put-downs were weak compared to Ebert’s.

Godard’s films have been turgid, willfully abstruse exercises in intellectual masturbation for decades. He’s by far the most irritating of all brilliant filmmakers.

Not surprising. I don’t think the CW cancels shows.

So, we’re basically getting a Totally Spies! movie?

I was actually surprised at how aware he was that Mulaney was just doing this for comedy purposes (saying that Mulaney was conflating stories for his act). I’d expected more of the insane reaction John Oliver tends to get. That he is annoyed but still seems to get what Mulaney was doing is a bit of nuance in a world

Wow, this actually clears up my season-long confusion over the Atlanta episode descriptions. Lines like “Money may have something to do with Paper Boi’s attitude” and “Darius trips” seemed weirdly detached from the episode content, and I assumed it was supposed to be part of the show’s surrealist bent, but it makes so

Last night’s Steven Universe episode’s description was “Steven helps Pearl find her phone”.

Or ... TV changed over the intervening years. All of the episode descriptions for Twin Peaks’ return were phrases like “This is the chair” and “We are like the dreamer.”

I agree most of these edited descriptions are much lamer (although in your spreadsheet the “original” column is blank for some Better Things episodes), but Mr. Robot’s affectations are so annoying I approve of their removal. I would never use one of their official episode titles to refer to an episode either.

We all know the episode descriptions are the most important part too, execution is just ancillary

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: The Search for Gamorra

There’s a pretty heavy implication that Gamora’s inside the Soul Stone. James Gunn already confirmed that, of the Guardians, Gamora is the most important in Guardians 3, so it’s possible that, if she isn’t revived in Avengers 4, that Guardians 3 spends at least some time trying to revive her.

Heimdall I think was an interesting case of unfortunate timing for Elba the actor, because in 2010 he was pretty well known but not super famous, so he signs a contract for a supporting role in a potential franchise. But by the time Thor comes out he is a much bigger and bankable star- to the point where he could be

Honestly? Cloak & Dagger can easily be ignored because, from what I’ve read, it’s set in its own little corner of the world.

Someone like Jonathan Nolan would be great for Marvel TV now that he and Chris are no longer credited for future DCEU films.

Captain Marvel is avoiding this problem by being set in the 90's, so it again doesnt have to even touch on his AoS ressurection.