
Oh dear- I saw that photo on twitter yesterday and thought it was a fake thing someone made as a joke, in the style of the gorilla tv thing. Every line of it reads like self parody.

Oh god, I’d seen the opening of them sniping at each other but never the ensuing rant- that really turns it around to sweet in a way

The first time I watched AD I didn’t realize that- I’d always just skip to the next episode when the preview started because I thought “well, obviously I don’t want to watch a preview of something I’m about to watch anyway!” Felt dumb when at some I let it play and saw that it was a joke.

I think Feige has actually said he kind of regrets the choice to not reveal the title because it’s not actually a massive deal, he just didn’t want it to distract from Infinity War, but it kind of backfired.

I think Elba’s problem wasn’t with being in the MCU as much as it was that he got stuck in a pretty dull role that was sort of a waste of his time/charisma. Marvel in retrospect probably regrets casting him as Heimdall, though not sure exactly what other role would have been ideal for him- actually, he’d probably

Having now seen the movie, they clearly address the “deaf people don’t know when they’re making noise” thing with how the father treats his daughter and doesn’t let her do certain things. The reason having a deaf person helps is that the group has already all learned sign language to accommodate them, so they have an

What I find problematic for the show’s continuity about Captain Marvel is that, it sounds like the plot will involve Coulson and the rest of SHIELD having some run in with the Kree-Skrulls in the 90s. That could fit with certain things we’ve seen in the show, but I think it won’t really make sense why Coulson never

I’m leaning towards the show getting renewed, but regardless I do think the writers really have to approach it like a series finale in case- which does make ending with the Snap seem like a really bad idea.

I would say Season 1 AOS benefited in that the Winter Soldier forced their hand to take the story in a more interesting direction, but beyond that- yeah. Having stuff that can’t meaningfully interact be in the same universe increasingly seems pointless.

I don’t know that either is right about things. Freeman is being honest that fan pleasure and expectations weighed on him and made the project less pleasurable. Cumberbatch has the probably healthier long term attitude of “I just accept that comes with making something popular and don’t let it bother me and get in the

I mean, us “young people” probably should care about preserving social security, but realistically I don’t think that was a big issue for most* young voters. Not to sound condescending towards other young people, it just doesn’t have in the moment impact that college debt or the minimum wage has.


“It would make more sense to have Luke come back as a ghost” I would also think it would make more sense for Rey to get a visit from Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan, since everybody seems pretty into seeing him again and that probably be better than pulling the Yoda card again.

Well, since they’re emphasizing it so much in the marketing, it’ll be weird if that turns out not to be the general core of it (but, as I acknowledge later in that comment, they could take an unexpected direction with it). 

Well, it’s not that the situation they’re depicting isn’t something that real people still deal with in 2018- it’s that it’s material that feels very tired. So when this trailer presents the whole “here’s a wacky scenario: Wife gets a full-time job, dad has to take on more parental responsibility!” it’s like.. big

Not that Pixar trailers aren’t typically pretty weak, but this is a movie coming out 10 years later than most people thought it should because apparently they were waiting for the right story- and yet the plot that feels like something that was developed 20 years ago.

Peggy Carter is awesome. I don’t know that I really felt sparks flying between her and Steve. But I give that it’s the closest thing

*so uninteresting

Given how Marvel likes to do the genre thing of “this is our take on a spy thriller, this is our take on a John Hughes movie, etc.” I did initially like the idea of a Scarlett Witch & Vision movie that would be Marvel’s version of a Romantic Drama... but they’ve just been so interesting together and the whole thing

If you’re going to have your story’s premise be that there’s blind monsters around that you need to be completely silent to not be attacked by- the idea of having a deaf person whose presence explains why the group was able to adapt to living silently seems pretty logical? I don’t find it hard to believe that more