
So... it’s Pixels?

Huh. Between this and Game Night- is this the year of Hollywood making solid low-to-mid budget comedies again?

As someone used good looking websites suddenly getting major downgrades in visual appeal *cough,* this headline was worrying to me- Reddit’s core look is very simple but entirely functional and easy on the eyes for me, so I could imagine trying to fancy it up really backfiring. But that new thing looks fine.  

I don’t think that kind of point really refutes what the writer is saying, since they’re simply calling it the best of the TV series at it- which I think is pretty undebatable since it’s not like there’s any other Marvel series that are even really trying to “integrate” with the movies. (So I guess it’s less than the

This episode got me thinking that depending on what happens in it- Captain Marvel and Coulson’s appearance in it might give us our first major continuity break to fix between the movies/show beyond wondering why these characters aren’t in contact with each other- Like, I don’t have enough idea what that movie is going

No, I don’t think Colin Trevorrow decided to turn down the chance to direct an installment of the most popular film franchise of all time because he didn’t like someone else’s movie.

...shouldn’t it be ASOUE?

Making other people feel old was frankly half the point of that anecdote. Never had any idea if he had any kind of legit following or not, but based on looking him up and finding his Patreon maybe he he sort of does? The podcast is called Garagehammer.

I have no idea what Warhammer is besides that when I was in High School my humanities teacher did a podcast about it and would sometimes record stuff for it in class while he had us doing busy work.

I mean, despite being the ones who had to defend it to the commenteriat, I do not think the AV Club / Onion writers were the driving force behind the change to Kinja or had much say in the matter in general.

I understand that Amazon has a lot of money to spend on things but I’m having real trouble comprehending why they are spending this much money on things?

I would guess that the “Finale” title is a joke and that this is actually the series pilot? Anyway, only read that first page, butI laughed at that Greek Freek line.

Ironically right after reading this comment, I did in fact get a Krypton-sized ad for Barry when I went back to the front page. So...Great Job listening to reader feedback, AV Club!

This is sort of an obvious strategy, the only surprising thing is that someone actually said it out loud.

I thought the headline was clever, Jesse.

Some people are going to shit at this like it’s an old man yells at cloud opinion, but like, you do have to draw a line for these awards to make sense? The Emmys consider stuff on Netflix to be TV. If something is being released in a way that makes it extremely unlikely (even by the standards of a limited release) you

Yeah, I’m aware of the comics. I was just suggesting, like you said, that there’s a better option for the MCU to follow just like Shuri becoming Iron Man arguably would be more convenient for the MCU than introducing a new character (though, in that specific case, I kind of question why Shuri would want to take the

The discussion is about what character should take up the Thor mantle, which Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie character makes more sense for than the Jane Foster we’ve seen in the MCU.

I think C.Hem is the most likely of the original Avengers to stick around since Marvel sort of just figured out how to make that character and his movies work, but even if he doesn’t, letting Tessa Thompson take up that mantle makes a lot more sense than bringing back Natalie Portman. And that would kind of double

Unlikely literally everyone else in any given movie theater, I have consistently refused to use the footrests because changing the position I always watch movies at the theater in seems weird/wrong, and I don’t like the idea of getting too comfortable while surrounded by some part of me feels quenched