
I feel like in the past I’ve also heard LeVar Burton’s name thrown around, which I feel like would work really well.

I got a Community notification for this?


I just want to gush about how cute Connie looks with her new haircut.

Counter-point: Yellow Diamond is voiced by Patti LuPone. That’s gotta count for something.

Nope. The family has control and are adamant it won’t happen. You’ll have to wait for either great-grandchildren who don’t care to see it happen or some financial calamity to befall the family.

What are you talking about? They should cover more cartoons. And anime. For a site called The AV Club, pickings are slim around here, in between all the Trump clickbait and the Last Jedi think pieces.

I wish I had noticed this, but someone else out in Facebook land pointed this out: With Sadie now a rock singer and Lars a pink space rebel, the two of them have become a gender swapped recapitulation of Rose and Greg. Nice one, Crewniverse.

Honestly, I think all of this could’ve been avoided if they had featured more flashbacks to actually show what the hell went down with Luke’s Jedi academy. Hamill’s criticisms were pretty fair, but the scenario presented in the film would have worked well as a way to bridge Luke’s past optimism with his present

Vice does absolutely amazing on-the-ground reporting on international issues. They’ll go to fucking wherever to get a story. At some point they were basically the only news corporation willing to go to Syria. Shane Smith once walked through a river of blood barefoot (in AFRICA) to get an interview with a former

I think it would HAVE to be one of the quieter moments.

Yeh, how the hell is Game of Thrones not on this list? Dothraki warriors standing up in their saddles was pretty spectacular. But even some of the quieter moments deserve mention, like the Hound burying the father and daughter he left for dead way back in season 4.

See, he posted “Meanwhile the draft of my first screenplay lines my cat’s litterbox.” twice, so on the second one of them I posted “*second” but then he changed his other post so here we are with this MESS on our hands.

My most recent attempt at writing fiction stalled after I described my protagonist’s five cats.

Hey, everybody, remember that short story from a couple of weeks ago? Well, now (18 months from now) you can reread it on actual paper for the low low price of $30! Come on guys, throw us a bone! We spent a million dollars on this!

Sure, tell me that after I sold my typewriter to buy your Christmas gift.

God damn it, I KNEW there was money in short stories. I never should have listened to my family.

Oh. I thought seeing the same Pretty Little Liars ad every 15 minutes was a manifestation of the Cruciatus Curse.

In your opinion.

Are you saying that MANSTOPPER, a book that appears to be about some guy’s dog, might not be THE ULTIMATE HORROR?