
AoS is already ignoring its pervious depictions of the Kree.

Well now I just want that AV Club wrapping paper...

He calls it “his Oscar?”

I feel like Harvey would have the immediate advantage in weight and brutality, but he’d lose stamina quickly. I imagine Cameron being a more technical fighter, so if he played rope-a-dope and let Harvey wear himself out, Cameron could take him down with a few well-placed strikes to the knees, followed by the coup de

More newswires like this, please! :) It proves you can be socially aware/progressive, and still be funny!


My parents were classic Bond villains. Way too much exposition and their fiendish deathtraps and punishments always had an obvious flaw to be exploited.

No you’re just humorless.

I’m pretty sure a B+ means “very good/falls short of greatness” to everyone, no matter what percentage point they equate it with.

Mr. McLevy is blaming the execution.

It looks that the complaint is, “the nerve of this author to write a female, Muslim character so badly!” I didn’t see any complains about the protagonist being one.

Have you never regretted a choice you made at work? And if so, if the topic comes up, have you never spoken about the experience? This was Ellen’s work and she regrets it. She doesn’t say what or how others should feel about Allen’s work or go off on her fellow actors for starring in his movies. For her, it was a bad

2017: When I’m done you’ll WISH they were dead!

Man, 2017 looked back at 2016 and asked, “what’s worse than a year devoted to killing off your favorite celebrities? I got this.”

It was a hamster and it was *consensual*

I’m with Katie on the gas station front, there’s this guy who hangs around our local one and he’s constantly asking “Gotta light? Gotta light?” and it really freaks me out.

Uh-huh. And what is your ‘non-sexist’ reason for objecting to the casting of a woman in the role of a regenerating alien Time Lord?

I agree, Sam’s clearly not allowing for the possibility that some are merely tiresome idiots, as you’ve demonstrated.

“a new male companion?” Wow ok. I guess this is where we are in 2017. Gotta just please those snowflake PC SJWs that can’t stand a show unless there is a dumb guy in there. Can’t the ladies just have show about women for women? Why shoehorn Mr. Bodyhair in there? I mean it is so unrealistic in a sci fi show like this

I mean, there is a (more or less) “sorry you were offended” and “i’m hurt that people would think this about me,” but those are not apologies in the way an adult understands an apology to mean “I am sorry that I did that”