
Desirable, even.

I expected to see Ex Machina about halfway through the list. When it still hadn’t shown up by the time I reached the top 5, I thought “Wow, is Ex Machina gonna be in the top 5? Bold move AVClub.”

What about “Gattaca”?

I believe there’s an after-party for every host. It would have stood out more if there had been no party that time. The real shame? SNL only let Trump host that season, and not that glorious bastion of comedy: Mike Huckabee. We could have had 90 minutes of pure gold!

Junior’s right. That’s why Peepaw never has to remind people who he is by plastering his name in giant letters on almost literally everything he owns. That would totally be the action of an insecure beta cuck

A lot of writers/directors do this: use their name to champion a project they believe in.

At the risk of sounding pretentious, SXSW is the festival with an audience most likely to love this movie. I’ll still see this, but IV’s review is a healthy reminder that studios and other distributors often try to game the Rotten Tomatoes system by releasing movies to warm crowds first.

Honestly this review makes more sense to me than the positive reviews, because as he points out, James Franco’s competence as a director is questionable at best.

It’s a festival review; they’ve got no time to craft a full review and are reduced to shoveling the content out into the internet like fast-food burgers.

Well, Wiseau originates from a far distant land called the Uncanny Valley

Hairspray, the 2007 version is one of my favorite movies and having seen other actors play Link, nobody comes close to Zac Efron. He was awesome in that.

He’s like Michael Caine, with abs.

I gotta say, I’m increasingly impressed with Zac Efron of late. Even in sub par films, he always brings it, and every movie is better for it.

Wow, first bad review I’ve read. You really laid into it.

My theory? It’s the Morty from the picture on Birdpersons wall, the Morty Rick saw in his happy memories of Morty that he couldn’t possibly have if he abandoned his family, Evil Morty is the Morty our Rick raised from infancy

This was a remarkably predictable and disappointing episode that may be my least favorite yet. It took the fabulous ending to “Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind” (which coincidentally I had just been complaining or at least wondering to a friend last week that they still hadn’t picked it up that plotline) and

At 100 bucks a year it’s still cheaper than Netflix, even if you never use the 2 day shipping, which why wouldn’t you? Waiting a week plus for shit to arrive really sucks once you get used to prime.

Amazon already has a video only Prime subscription. I think it’s slightly cheaper? But only available as a monthly plan, not annually?

I think there’s a difference between what South Park does when they have a fight between two crippled characters that lifts directly from They Live or the fact that Timmy is a thinly veiled reference to a side comment in Phantasm and what Ready Player One offers, which is just Hey look! Remember Marty McFly! And Hey,

Well, I’d be impressed if the show featured pop culture references from the future.