
I think his statement is true to the extent that if Blade Runner 2049 had been a commercial success a la The Martian or Gravity it would be more likely to have gotten Best Picture level buzz...though that would sort of also require it to be a different, more accessible film.

Pablo Torre has his own show now???

You’re the one who sounds really condescending. (I’m having a shitty, hate myself kind of day- so being called self satisfied really bugs me at this moment). Like I said, I don’t have a problem with people being okay with moving on from this whole thing with Logan Paul. Calling him a kid just stuck out to me as really

I am younger than 22, older than 18- my rejection of the term “kid” in this context is that I think it be fucked if I did something like this and people held me to the same low standard “oh, well, you’re just a kid.” Sure, I’m aware the science says people in our age group aren’t fully developed as decision makers and

If you want to forgive him, whatever- I do think people saying Youtube should ban and or entirely demonetize him are ridiculous and sound like old men yelling at clouds. That just doesn’t make sense for the platform- but let’s not call a 22 year-old man a “kid” please.

Hah, I thought that maybe they’d posted reviews for all the episodes at once and was annoyed that Kinja was only letting me find this one

Disagree somewhat strongly? It has some of the most memorable, creepy imagery of the series, does the best job with the racial allegory, the most exciting quidditch scene, the great Branagh and Isaacs performances, and overall I think Harry Potter is just at its best when it’s doing British murder mystery theater. PoA

I can’t really fathom how you believe this pictures support your point- I don’t remotely see “sexual offender” red flags in all these people’s faces

A lot of people are apparently excited for this on the basic of J.A. Bayona directing, but I don’t know how much you can do when you’re stuck with the foundation of these bland characters and a really dumb story.

It’s a matter of recasting a movie role, not sending a dude to jail- a divorce settlement is different than a trial also, but in this case the process did conclude with Heard’s accusations being accepted as not lies- so I think as a studio you could more than justify saying “we don’t want this guy in our movie

The way I put it would be- Spielberg hasn’t directed a bad movie in the last 7 years, but he disappointingly hasn’t directed anything great this century- though now that I think of it I’m actually really fond of Tintin,

I like it. Obviously they’re going for a tongue in cheek route.

Most of the posts seem like they’re about something they’re genuinely recommending you check out to me?

The...the content of this article seems to entirely contradict the section it’s published under, “Great Job, Internet!” ?

It reminds of the actor who played Mace Tyrell, who said he had no idea what was going on around him or who anyone was when he made his debut in Season 4 as he hadn’t watched the whole show up to that point- which is perfectly Mace-like cluelessness 

I recognized her from the show The 100 (and actually felt a 100-ish vibe from this premiere in general because of some similar settings)

Oh, the cat hat is from the comics? Being unfamilar with them I assumed it was suppose to be the pussy hat from the women’s march and such, was thinking about the implications of Donald Trump being president in the MCU

Being turned into a bug

“Entertainment Weekly also says that the “feature-length” season premiere (set to air in fall of 2018) will “mark Whittaker’s debut,” which implies that the show might break from tradition and not have Whittaker’s Doctor appear in her predecessor’s final episode”

Moon seems really low- like, it didn’t quite occur to me when I saw its ranking that it was too low, but then I see some of the movies that are above it and I realized it really should be quite a lot higher. “Masterful” is the not word I’d use to describe Looper....