
Huh. I know a lot of people who are the reverse. They get Amazon Prime for all the other benefits, but have probably never bothered to even open the video app. I actually think it’s kinda smart in case something with GOT hit like potential does somehow come along

Jojen didn’t say it, The Three-Eyed Raven did (when Bran had already warged Hodor multiple times)

The weird thing about that statement is that the full quote is “You will never walk again, but you will fly,” but if Bran warging a Raven counts as him flying, then shouldn’t him warging Hodor count as him walking? But maybe it just wasn’t a well thought out line

Skrein claims he didn’t quit GOT, he says he was pushed out because of behind the scenes conflict

I expect the Winterfell plot to end with a reconciliation of the Stark sisters, but my favorite new crackpot theory is that Arya will kill Sansa, and Beric will resurrect her into this story’s version of “Lady Stoneheart.” I don’t know what LS could, um, do a this point with the Freys already gone...but it be cool!


WB have lost their damn minds

Like I said it's a petty thing to have problem with and I didn't really care, but Jon is a real name.

People calling him John instead of Jon is the most petty pop-culture error that bothers me. John just looks like a way lamer name than Jon.

It's factually accurate but it feels intentionally incomplete in the information provided- people see "Twin Peaks actor" and automatically jumps to the assumption it's someone with a notable role on the series, not an actor who had one scene. A Twin Peaks appearance may be the most notable identifier of this asshole,

Wow, so many sites are going with that unbelievably click-baity headline

What I meant was that I watched it this time for security from spoilers…but I admit I phrased that weirdly

Last time an episode leaked I didn't watch it but ended up running into a lot of spoilers online before the airing- this time I did watch it out of security but have seen almost no spoilers around.

My real answer is Black Mirror but for the sake of saying something original- Last month for some reason I started watching 13 Reasons Why and it quickly became one of my favorite guilty pleasure shows. Just a great execution of the teen melodrama genre tropes.

I'm not really convinced that an award would incentive stuntmen to try more dangerous things though. Other shows like the SAGS have awards for stunt people, and the voters don't approach the category like "let's make sure to give it to whatever movie had the craziest, death defying stunts." Like a lot other awards,

It's not exactly clear, but They seem able to pick and choose who they make rise from the dead, it's not just any corpse in their vicinity comes back. So they could just not make the corpse they had in a cage rise

It felt to me in the goodbye scene with Dany like they were setting up a sort of love triangle thing with Jorah, Jon, and Dany. I'd Beric is the one that has to die now the most. He's been set up to have some purpose of the LoL bringing him back, they've lost the purpose of the books. Having him preform some heroic

Looks more like he's setting up her against Sansa


The way it came together was very convenient but conceptually I love this East Watch setup of all these tough guys with various backstories and pasts with each other teaming up to enter uncharted territory. It's like a Snow Western