
I think that was more realizing it wasn't an AI title than realizing it wasn't that highly rated though

I still feel like we could pretty easily assume from last season's finale Arya would move on from killing Walder to getting the rest of his family through whatever means. Which is why from my perspective the premiere didn't move the plot in any way, it just secured all the pieces in the positions we already pretty

Nothing happened in that scene in the sense that the plot was completely unaltered from what we already knew. Last season already established that Dany was going to get to Westeros. Not exactly earth shattering to see that she didn't get ship wrecked before she got there.

Absolutely never would have expected a filler story line from the Arya & The Hound show to come back (and I think it would have taken me a while to get the scene if I didn't watch the previously on), but that really was a tear jerking moment to see the Hound acknowledge his guilt.

I see people say "oh, this is just a sjw gimmick, there's no story reason for him to change genders!" but it makes perfect sense within the story at this point? First off, we've always been led to believe that regeneration is a complete crapshoot, so we're far overdue for an exploration of what it would be like for

Ban Ki

I honestly think this one of the worst Emmy nomination batches in terms of big snubs in recent memory. Usually there's at least some surprise noms that make me very happy to cancel disappointment over the snubs out, but not much of that either

Hadn't seen that until now. The story of how he ended up with the show is so amusing to me. Just the idea of these high up executives meeting this nerdy online editor guy and being SO enamored with him they go all "Kid, we want to make you into a star" on him

4chan is the worse version of the pepe people

The secret spy adventures of Amelia Earhart? Hollywood, regardless of if it's true, roll with it. (But hire someone good)

Okay, well, I guess I'll do season episode rankings. My grade of DF completely contradicts what I wrote in my other comment, but I liked it better on rewatch

Hmm. That didn't really work for me. Like, I don't really have a major criticism to make of any part of it, it just never clicked as a good episode for me. Felt like it was trying to do too much. Everything that happens is a good idea but it all feels so out of nowhere, under developed and under foreshadowed that it

It's not on his IMDB page, and the thing where he talks with Spider-Man is from a longer commercial that was a tie in with the NBA Finals where Spidey is getting snack to bring to Tony Stark's NBA Finals watch party with NBA players, which was clearly not something that is part of the movie. Khaled was presumably

DJ Khaled isn't in the movie, that was just a commercial

I also think they hope that once people see what they let David Lynch get away with, lots of talent filmmakers are going to be more interested in partnering with Showtime, rather than just seeing it as the backup for when the "Home Builder's Organization" turns them down.

I'm 100% fine with anybody who isn't grooving with what Lynch did in this episode, but I don't like when I see this whole eye-rolling attitude that the people that liked it are just having a the Emperor has no Clothes moment as oppose to just genuinely finding it mesmerizing

That old Simpsons quote feels really appropriate right now. I got a big smile on my face when it became clear that whatever was going was going to be the whole episode (I did think for a bit Lynch was going to go so crazy that we wouldn't see another human actor the whole episode, but he wasn't that much was of a

I suppose then the twist's effectiveness for me was aided by the fact I don't think I've ever rewatched his episodes and I've never seen Simm in anything else.

That was interesting. During the 1st portion I thought "oh, so this episode is going to just be Moffat getting every remaining in-joke he's ever wanted to make about Doctor Who out of his system. Okay, should be fun" but then we ended up with one of the most disturbing Doctor Who endings ever.

? He seemed liked a pretty good contestant. Just had one bad brain fart.