
It was on my radar but I didn't realize it had started airing until this post

There's no show that I'm more forgiving towards the reviewer for needing time to get their thoughts in order than Twin Peaks

Yes, presumed- but the comments Pearl has made so fat about her future aren't encouraging, and it just seems like surely Chibnall will want the same clean slate to start with that Davies and Moffatt had. It be a pleasant surprise if she returns but that seems so unlikely to me that feel like I do have to view these

Bill's thing has kinda been to notice things people normally don't question while taking a while to realize what people usually see quickly (see the gag with the time it takes for her to say it's bigger on the inside), but it was kinda absurd that it just occurred to her that everything is translated presumably 2-3

So I'm going to be the one person who comes out and says I think this is pretty amusing.

Werdup will celebrate by not watching Predator

I'd agree the contrast is there but I don't think the apathy towards this rivalry has anything do with people missing the Lakers and the Celtics- that just, doesn't make sense at all unless someone is from Boston or LA? I don't think I know anybody who I can imagine would think that way? People really have no problem

This gives me hope we will see the return of Harriet Hayward, tragically underused after being such a great character in the pilot. "Dad, I'm gonna tell it to you, and I'm gonna tell it to you straight. See that window?"

Seeing Diane shocked me because I could not believe the show was actually doing something people predicted it would do.

I thought Survival was fine, but mostly I've been hearing a lot of good stuff about the theater she's been up to since Doctor Who, which is what makes me cautiously curious about her returning. Of course, it's hard to judge the veracity of that praise without having seen what's she's been up to, but like, why else

I attended the Chicago production of Hamilton. 100% Lived up to everything I hoped it would be. I was a bit worried before the show that I had grown out of Hamilton already and that this would turn out to be something that would have been fun for the person I was a year ago- but man, did I feel some serious chills

I thought that was as a good as Gatiss gets; Nothing incredible, but I had a really fun time with it. Really surpassed my expectations from the preview where the Ice Warriors just looked very silly. Not really much to say beyond that. I agree with Alasdair's final observation. Robot of Sherwood has kinda grown on me

Super random thing I'm inexplicably interested by- Lots of Game of Thrones actors have also been in DW, but for some reason there's been particularly high amount of actors from the Braavos storyline- by my count, there are 11 notable GOT characters/actors who appear in Braavos at some point, and now 8 of those 11 have

So, been watching BBC's UK Election results all afternoon, and my thoughts are A) Doing poorly in an election is one thing, but doing poorly in one you opted into because you though you'd do great is pretty embarrassing B) But it's not really that it was terrible idea so much as it was a terrible execution of the idea

Tyrion, more in the books than the show though. (I actually thought him in Meereen was pretty fun.) He gets really whiney and the amount of plot armor he has gets distracting, especially in George's world

Season 3 of Sherlock has basically a full-episode length "awkward wedding toast"

Awesome. I love wall stuff!

I can understand feeling perturbed by my methods of watching certain kinds of TV, but I'm really confused if I'm not getting across the fact that I'm not like fast forwarding every other scene or every scene were there's a mild element of character humiliation like a madman? What I've FF through so far these 5

I mean, in this particular case it didn't matter much from a "following the story" perspective because elements are so isolated I can avoid Cooper stuff and follow all the other events in the show (to the the extent that it's possible for me to follow David Lynch's storytelling). But really in most cases like this

Yes, that would be the perfect show if the US government ever needed to force top secret information out of me