I was close to that on an e90. Told my wife she never gets a bimmer again.
I was close to that on an e90. Told my wife she never gets a bimmer again.
Not sure if this makes you feel any better about the car, but that wood trim is actual dead tree. Well, it’s a verneer over plastic, but the wood grain you see is actual wood.
NP with some relevant first-time BMW owner information.
Yeah, it’s hypocritical and entirely pointless. It’s not like there’s no policy to attack
I think I saw her when I was at the self-serve junkyard last weekend. I think she was pulling the carb from a ‘72 Nova.
^^^Dudebra asking the real questions.
This kind of sticks in my craw, to be honest. We liberals are supposed to be the kind, accepting folks, but so much of the bashing of this administration has to do with looks. Sessions is an elf, Trump is fat, Bannon looks terrible.
Yep, this is state-actor level trolling.
His name on a building AND a revenue stream through exported Trump steaks? He’s in heaven.
Given how our psychotic man-baby prez is so desperate for a deal (“Where’s my Nobel Prize?!?! Obama didn’t do shit and got one! Where’s mine?!?!?”), what are the odds Orange Dumbass will sign something where he gives away the kingdom just so he can crow he made a “deal”?
That was only one of the many definitions Urban Dictionary offered, along with a common misspelling of chode, which is why I had to clean my monitor.
I think this will make Trump happier than even invading the country.
OMG, >65MPH with a 36" wheelbase. NO THANK YOU!
And isn’t this, at least, the SECOND time she’s walked out of an interview because she didn’t like the question?
always running in Safe Mode
Clearly unladen, mind you.
It was a million to one shot, doc, million to one.
Well, you know the saying: when the going gets tough, the privileged, pampered fraudster walks away from the uncomfortable questions leaving her press lackey to to answer them.
African or European?