Recovering Gaijin

TBF tho, unlike Ghouliani’s rancid spittle, Russian Hooker Urine (RHU) is sterile...

What he’s really trying to say with that (fake) map is “You can’t impeach me, I’m the president!”

Wow. I had no idea I would ever agree wholeheartedly with Ted Cruz on anything. 

North Korea launched a missile into the Sea of Japan this afternoon.

Maybe he found a red Sharpie....

Makes sense to me. As far as I know they don’t cut it close on payload capacity in terms of what they allow, so the more the better in terms of tongue weight. As long as you’re not overwhelming the rear axle, it’s hard to go wrong in terms shifting the weight too far forwards.

The one time I’ve rented a car trailer

I’ve rented a car trailer from UHaul a couple times, and they were very picky about what kind of car they’ll let you load onto it, as well as your tow vehicle.

this is basically how i get all mine too. (first long-term: good cat manners on my part + good barbecue on my friend’s part equaled siamese mix who thought i was worthy of being her person. when said friend moved into housing that meant she couldn’t take hers i got them because they already knew me and my kitteh. i

tacti-bros” is a scrumtrillescent label

No surprise. Sliced my hands on a a lot of Ford parts because deburring wasn’t Job 1. 

I guess Ford figured that’s the only way they will ever be on the bleeding edge.


Illegitimi non carborundum!

Not enough desks in the world for my head.

When my nephew vaped, he definitely didn’t tell my sister first. He was then subsequently suspended from his sport team (I think) for a few games and had other repercussions from both the school adults and his parents adults, as did the kids he was caught with. In this story, ALL of the adults were aware of vaping and

The oil’s running out and the price has collapsed. We’ve been a net importer for years and the transition away from fossil fuels is happening with more progress with each day now.

I love that when guns are mentioned, he retreats like a frightened turtle (or George Costanza’s penis for my fellow Seinfeld freaks).

I dunno. I try that with my cat and end up with a turd in my shoe.

It’s utterly ridiculous. But then I remember it’s all coming from the anus shaped mouth hole of the current sitting president. The most one in that position would be best off saying is “Eh, polls are interesting, but sometimes they’re accurate and sometimes they’re not. I’m not concerned about polls right now.”

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one in this camp. $110 = large garage, lift, at least 4-5 project cars