Recovering Gaijin

I heard that this afternoon, nodded, and thought, well, there we go; here’s his distraction!

I find it somewhat ironic that UHaul put this out considering that their car trailer >forces< you to put the trailered vehicle all the way to the front. If you’re hauling a heavy short-wheelbase vehicle, you can easily end up with much more than 60% of the weight on the tongue. ( see David Tracy’s latest Wagoneer

Eh, someone who dragraces probably thinks that English Time Trials are dumb. Many of the people I’ve autoX-ed with think NASCAR is stupid. I used to as well. I still won’t watch it, but I >will< go to the local podunk circle track and watch former street cars bounce of one another.

Don’t you >even< mention the moose!

There’s an >incredibly< Byzantine set of rules about which countries are allowed what tech—at least for something as ‘simple’ as night-vision systems. I can only imagine how complicated it is for lethal stuff.

I can authoritatively state that type2s did not have them by 1972. I'll bet that when VW went to the pancake engine they stopped having portal axles

Me too. Afternoon drives more than about 45 min can make me sleepy-especially if I'm going west. The afternoon sun, I guess? So, no cruise control, window down enough to cause irritating noise, and even right-wing talk-radio if it's been a long day. I once woke up because I had drifted into the median doing 70ish in a

Well, you can’t just drop that in without telling us what it was like! Was it ponderous? How loud was the supercharger, and when did the whine become prominent?

I’d just be trolling the cops( I don't drink alcohol). I suppose Earl Grey would work, but I'm not tucking a hot flask in my pocket: hence the iced tea

I guess I gotta star you—but I wanna be damn sure the door hits you in your arse on the way out !

Stuff like that gets saved. Mason-Hamlin still has the original case-buck for their Model A pianos. That’s several tons of iron that could have been used in either WW1 or 2.

I want a 35 just because of all the great pictures of them racing. Though, iirc, by the time they got that model right, they were obsolete for their intended purpose. Don’t care: had I serious FU money, I’d buy one, don a ridiculous period-correct outfit, and run errands whilst drinking ice tea from an ornate flask.

Martin is my hero: he’s towed multiple cars to events with that beast. As one should!

I came here just for this. Loved the passages in Casino Royale about Bond deftly guiding his supercharged pride&joy through the narrow streets.

I’m guessing that an O went missing. As in, ‘ Hoovering up my gross’. In Great Britain, they say hoovering instead of vacuuming, so it has come to mean sucking

Pickov Andropov, chauffeur.

Wasn't frogman in there too for a short while?

Already slightly maudlin from the comments and memories evoked here your comment blindsided me. Nothing I could say would help in any way. But know that this random commentor truely, deeply, hopes that his passing is in comfort and dignity-and that both ( all ) of you get the chance to say the things that shouldn’t be

Kudos: that is how to human!

I just moved away from Crack Row, and am awaiting my next cat. I never seek them out: they just find me. The neighborhood stray has been slinking around, but he won't let me pet him yet. Whatever. When he's ready, I have a good lap-and give excellent scritches