Recovering Gaijin

Keep us posted: I WILL subscribe to >that< build thread!

And that's what counts: you like it and you like to hoon it

Got upset when he clipped it.

You put one of those valves for refrigerator-based ice-makers in-line. Preferably accessible under the dash. Takes a couple adaptors, but beats an involuntary hot coolant bath!

Had I FU money I’d take this rescue in and give it a warm home( and stock up on those stupid plastic shift-rod ends!).

‘78? Doesn’t this have a ThermoQuad?

I heartily second this sentiment.

Isn't that rather the point of Lemons?

But R&T and C&D suck as kitty litter-or, actually, they don't: glossy magazines don't absorb much. As ferret bedding, however, they are second only to used beer-coozies 

Sho’ ‘nuff!

If so, it certainly wasn’t a >clean<Brexit.

These and the Ultra4s look like so much damn fun my inner 8yo yearns to build the backyard off-road gocart version. My adult self points out the lack of facilities, tools, and skill, and we move on to criticizing the lines of attack various rock-bouncers use on impossible obstacles 

We need an official gearfreak flag. Maybe a turbo instead of the peyote button on the Gonzo Fist?

-ish, I think;

The 505 Turbo alloy wheels fit Subaru Ea81 & 82 cars with enough poke to be silly & almost aggressive. They were scarce in junkyards: we found 3 sets in 10+ years of junkyard hunting 

And I’d bet that the great majority achieve the longevity Toyota designed for them. Would they live %60 longer if the fluid was changed every 5 years/60k? I honestly don’t know, but a cvt is at heart a ‘belt’ of some sort riding between various types of cones and pulleys to achieve the infinite ratios. That slippage

Literally my pleasure: Nissan can go piss up a rope!

Well, I was under the impression that it was much higher than that. I can’t be bothered to dig out my textbooks, so I’ll just assume that recent advances in induction motors have lead to breakthroughs in the technology 

Anecdote, not data, but I dealt with Nissan over a ‘13 Cube regarding the cvt. Corporate swore up & down that the fluid >never< needed to be changed. Absolutely refused to tell us how to check it-even going so far as saying there WAS no way to check it. ‘Lifetime fluid’, they kept saying! ( yes; it IS ‘lifetime fluid’

You’d have hooligans going around tossing pieces of steel on the chargers to watch them heat up. I know: I used to be such a hooligan.