Recovering Gaijin

ALWAYS replace the condenser! -cheap peace of mind

>replace< points?

Hell, for 30large, I’d say good things about Lucas!

UPvote for your counterpoint: I’m looking at a ‘91 Camry. In beige. With( damnit) automatic. Because I have bills to pay-and I am not as enthusiastic about wrenching as I once was


They just HAD to try that grape-plasma thing they saw on YouTube

Already halfway there: may as well build a tube frame. And you’ll need some gearing. It doesn’t want to die: it just wants to go Lemons racing

Holy crap that looks scary. You’re the highest point of this thing with important low-hanging bits on early 20th century British roads. With 7ish horsepower, I’m sure it could go faster than was prudent. No sulfa drugs, so if a crash didn’t kill you outright you had the option of turning putrid from your road-rash.

You state that it has rack&pinion steering. At the 1:20 mark, it looks like The Obedient has IFS. Seems like the Bollée’s were WAY ahead of the curve with modern refinements!

“That’ll do, Rover.”

I was going to go with,

That’s just perfect

Dude, Jason freakin’ Torchinsky just barely stopped short of calling it a deathtrap! Time to look at your life choices before they end you, methinks.

What’s that old saw about not tiptoeing timidly to your grave, but, rather, skid in with a smokey flourish?

I missed it entirely. Been way too long since I saw it.

Maybe. Iirc, the SDL had the 6-cylinder, not the 5. I believe that the rods were an issue in those.

If you have a friend into snow hoonage, take him/her with you for pointers. If not, just do it: every snowfall is slightly different and you’ll need to practice different friction levels.

So, you're saying grits are a great base to load actual tasty food on?

Next time there’s slippery weather, take 15 min and test your xB in a deserted lot or other empty area. Keep testing in different conditions until you feel you know pretty well how to get traction in those conditions.

Grits are a horrid bland dish inflicted upon the public by grinding, then soaking unsuspecting innocent corn. I can only conjecture that Southerers spent WAY too much time out in the harsh sun. This abomination would have otherwise died quietly away