I’ve angered several of his fans by pointing out that irony. Perhaps “Yeah, he died like a REAL MAN instead of living like a candy-ass.” wasn’t the best word choice.
I’ve angered several of his fans by pointing out that irony. Perhaps “Yeah, he died like a REAL MAN instead of living like a candy-ass.” wasn’t the best word choice.
You articulated that quite well. >I< seemed to be the only person in the room who had a problem with ‘incentivize’, therefore the problem was with me and not whoever wrote or spoke the word.
She should stick with her current ride: you can't eat a Ducati no matter how dire the pinch you're in
Eh, life is far to short to sweat the small stuff in an informal setting. Years ago I was determined to die on a hill called, ‘ ‘Incentivize’ is NOT a godsdamned verb, you marketing wanks!’. But language IS a living thing-and usages change. Webster's gets updated every year-as does the OED
I second Manwich’s nomination ofLongVoyager’s Acclaim
And it should be remembered that this was an era in which we damn well knew what a bad car was: 100k was a badge of honor. Most cars rusted through in 5-7 years if not coddled. Carmakers rushed incompletely-tested designs to market on top of their arrogance that we’d buy whatever they made. And worker-management…
This warms the very cockles of my heart in this era of identical commuter-blobs and soul-sucking CVTs.
If you get the girl even if you drive a Yugo, she’s a keeper.
Any mention of the Yugo here must prompt a recommendation to watch Drowning Mona. Film is set in a town which seemingly has no cars other than Yugos-even the cop car, iirc. Fun for car nerds.
Yeah, but a quarter ain’t what it used to be. Hell, a pay phone requires 2 of ‘em now.
Liberty University will take them.
There are days ( 12 hours broiling on a roof/dodging ice shards raining down on us from the sun heating the cell tower above ) when I question my decision not to follow my parents into academia. Then I read something like what you just wrote and know I made the right choice: the equipment either works or doesn’t-and I…
Heard on local NPR this morning that Morgan Harrington’s mother was in court the day her daughter’s killer was sentenced to life without parole. His mother stood alone after the sentence. Harrington’s mother went over and embraced her; two mothers who both lost their children.
Were I a more vindictive person I would send this stain upon humanity a nasty, stinky old blanket
This is the proper response.
I am once again compelled to say,
Yep; you're right. Early onset Oltimers over here. Derp.
That's flipping awesome. Best in thread.
I’m in.
I, too, hope it's for positive reasons. I'm not particularly into drag racing, but I've seen her on yt ( Hoonigan & Roadkill, maybe? ), and she came across as professional and classy. And I have immense respect for anyone who straps themselves into those beasts and can compete at that level.