Buddy’s ‘05 Mazda3. I refused to ride with him after my floor jack pushed up into his crumbling jack point-even with the square piece of 2x4 I was using to protect it.
Buddy’s ‘05 Mazda3. I refused to ride with him after my floor jack pushed up into his crumbling jack point-even with the square piece of 2x4 I was using to protect it.
Are you perhaps under 35 and from Arizona? The thin, poorly ( or non- ) rustproofed floorboards of many 70s cars could terminally rust through in just 2-3 winters in the salt-treated Rust Belt.
Damnit, Torch! Now I yearn for a Bright Bitersweet Pinto Wagon with Rallye Pack!
Right? I took two full milk-crates of rubber lines, switches, valves, and wiring off my ‘87 Subaru when I deleted the egr and installed the Weber 32/36 carburettor. Also deleted the deceased A/C and removed PS so I wouldn't have to spin the carb 180° and fabricate linkage. Was SO much easier to work on! I changed the…
And a sadly large percentage of people currently alive.
That is freaking hilarious: thanks for posting that!
Lost, not list. Damnit
It's all relative. I've been watching YT videos on the Industrial Revolution and the Great Depression. Life in a factory or coal town was far more grim than today's.
You been looking at my playlist?
Had to read the last Barf Bag of the year-but I shouldn’t have read the tweets, godsdamnit.
Pretty sure I read every Porschalump article you ever posted...you standing by that statement?
Love the inherent smoothness of a straight-6, and the torque they give. This kinda offbeat swap tickles me: my wide-eyed inner 8yo loves seeing how people deal with unexpected issues
Yeah....bless her heart: she don’ no no bettah
First, anyone surprised?
Quite true. NO vehicle does >everything < well. Had I ridden along on a firetrail with him, I might well have had a different experience.
So, ‘Damnit, Lucas!’ ?
Unless we’re being lied too, PCBs haven’t been used in transformers in quite some time. Mineral oil & variants, I understand. This summer I worked at a substation which had one in which the internal oil went thru a charge-cooler and the heat removed by a secondary open-loop water circuit. BIG-ass fans sounded like a…
Thank you for clarifying that. As a contractor who occasionally does work at substations, I had understood that the big stuff ( not those ones hanging off local poles ) was >all< custom made to spec: there >aren't < any sitting around in warehouses.