Recovering Gaijin


I loved the Hummer when it came out: portal axles, 30" (?) water-fording, some absurd -like 60°- angle before it would roll over. Then I got a ride in one of the first civilian ones-just on-road, tho. It was >crap< for that: too large & massy for the street. Noisy, unrefined, vague, and too-stiff suspension.

Check out the Niva 6X6 build over at wacky Russian car channel Garage54 on YT. I think it's the voice-over translation that makes it so hypnotic

I’m waiting for the revival of snuff. Not the pinch-between-cheek&gum stuff,  but the finely powdered tobacco gentlemen used to sniff off their hands. I can just see hipsters getting all tribal about the different types and flavors

Thanks, Raphael; I had forgotten that article 

Thanks for giving the goyim something to click on this morning.

Given that the article is >about< a politician threatening ( against advice ) to do something he CAN’T legally do about cars, how could this be done?

Never too late! There’s YouTube & as Miss M said, Google searches. Have any gearhead friends you can hang out with and watch?

C’mon, Stef, you raced an air-cooled-did you always use a torque wrench on the acorn nuts holding the oilscreen? Honestly?

Wait, you’re advocating for a DexCool hot tub??? That’s just >inviting < vitriolic abuse!

Well said, Still Deadpan; hear, hear!

Late to the party, but I >gotta< ask: did you within hours of acquiring it do donuts as we all saw Richard Hammond do on TG?

On one of NPR’s quiz shows someone proposed that we should hear ‘slats’ as if it were the Flash Gordon song: ‘Slats....AH-AAAHHH!...

“ >liberal< commie >pinko< “, you mean, no?

Exactly this. I have a screenshot of the relevant portion of the Cornerstone Speech in my favorites file-easily accessible if any of my coworkers tries that whiney ‘states rights!’ bullshit. That and my rant about OWNING another human being def made an impact: our latest FNG told me a couple months in that he was

Just where is he now? I’m thinking he needs to be hung, drawn, and quartered.

HA! I am so using that the next time our crusty old plumber (ex-CUSE ME: ‘pipefitter’ 🙄 ) starts ranting about kids & trophies again!

I honestly have no idea who that woman is. Assuming she sings from context. Am I missing anything?

I >did< finish it-but the last 100 pages were drudgery. Actually, most of it was work to get through: way too self-indulgent and wordy to be a fun read for me.

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