Recovering Gaijin

There's a fine line between entertaining and insanity: I >always< carry a fire extinguisher in my old cars. Mainly because I spent my formative years in a VW  Super Beetle. 

Triple points if you can manage to scrape off a hubcap!

Is it the pitch? The timbre? It invokes a deep certainty that this would be the sound heard upon ascension to Valhalla 

Hey, THERE’s a twist! What could David buy and desperately wrench on for 2 months before he took it to SEMA?

I have, and will continue to giggle with delight at the Abarth’s exhaust note When that stops, I’m ready for my dirt nap. And, the FiST is high on my list of cars to start searching for around mid-2020.

I thoroughly agree. I checked the new Alfa out during a slow day at the local dealership. I recall it was a bit hard to get into( brand new, and I did NOT want to mar it! ), but it fit me perfectly: everything was at hand.

New cars ARE boring ( most of ‘em, anyway ). When was the last time you barked joyous laughter prompted by your new car’s antics? I used to laugh a lot in my old air-cooled VWs and EA81&2 ‘Roos. Could just be me, but I enjoy over-driving a car, and the newer ones have limits which are too high for my comfort. They’re

I don't even care about F1 and I found that amusing. They found the *pefect* clip for the ending

190D??? 80ish hp when new, iirc I love my old diesel MB, but still not old enough to have patience for this. I test-drove a NA MB diesel. Nope. Bought a 300SD instead. Mind you, I love the look, but I’m just not into leading  involuntary parades of impatient people

That sad 300 thing looks to me as if late-90s Hyundai Skunk Werks tried to build a Bentley competitor for SEMA.

But...I wonder if the gentleman in question is actually >from< Kentucky. In my experience, people from WV, Kentucky, and the eastern 1/2 of Tennessee do not use the verb ‘to be’ in everyday conversation. “Lawn needs mowed” “windows need wa(r)shed”, etc.

Sorry, David, but I must disagree. The most Jalop camper ever is a different mashup:

Hipster? Me? Dude, I remember watching the Apollo landing live: I'm at >least< a generation removed from hipster

I well remember when ( not all that long ago! ) you could hear a 12-second car coming a block away because of the ‘chop’, and a 10-second car was effectively undriveable on the street. Now you can buy one from the factory. With a warranty. 

Counterpoint: I’m betting the view thru the windscreen is just lovely.

It’s Trilbys that the hipsters are wearing

Perfect: a new entry in the lexicon.


Thanks for sharing that clip, San. 

Considering that the great majority of our textbooks pass thru local school boards of Texas, I’m not at all certain there will be books in 30 years.