Our instincts are being re-routed,
Our instincts are being re-routed,
No need to apologize; we need to stay angry!
Haha my crowd is made up of the younger anti-Harley-matching-gear types. That comes with a whole other style obsession though haha. Oddly the one guy I know who’s obsessed with branded gear rides a new R-nineT.
You’re welcome!
Thankfully it’s not that bad. They just aren’t very supportive of our female friends when they show interest in riding, or they will actively try and avoid riding with the women that already have bikes.
Babes Ride Out get’s made fun of so much by a lot of confused guys. So many women made seriously long treks (on or off bikes) to get there that they deserve some serious respect in my book!
Oddly enough, my American stuff is the leakiest.
I really really try to not let it go unchecked!
Yes! I know way too many fellow guys who apparently love motorcycles but are OK with denying women the experience because, reasons. This sentiment really poisons the vintage Harley circles I run in and it makes me sad.
Why do the rich so often have terrible taste? They get everything they want and make ugly shit out of it.
I’m saving this.
Best of luck!
The final Senate vote was 51-48 along party lines, and happened just before 1:30 a.m., an hour at which all the best decisions are made. The vote allows Republicans to vote to repeal the law through a budget package, without the Democrats being able to filibuster to stop it. Democrats tried to protest and were told…
Shower them in gold!
In the name of “protecting possible victims of jail time from a acquiring criminal record”
I’m speaking to his remarks and behavior in the press conference. They make me worried for day 1 of him being in office. That alone was enough to show his unpredictability.
Stay strong!