
From what I read: Emily Ratajkowski is stating that she is going to wait until her child is 18 (or ‘old enough’) to determine who they are, whereas Joan is pointing out (in what some apparently feel was in some aggressive language) that the child will likely know their identity at an early age.

Unless and until we dismantle capitalism I don’t see how we end anywhere but in a Mad Maxian hellscape littered with chicken bones.

Thanks for clarifying what you’re saying. I see what you’re getting at.

Here is some food for thought:

This is worthy of discussion, because respectfully, I think the entire idea is that white people need to be more cognizant of how things are always “framed” to make things palatable and easy for their own peace of mind. And I say that as a white person.

I could have added a lot more bullets. Everyone feel free to chime in!

This should be used as a reference for HamNo’s article about CEO pay. It’s all who you know, and who in your family owns several blacksite mercenary groups that may or may not engage in torture and murder of civilians.

I’m not forcing them to help realize my evil corporate vision.

Don’t worry, dumbzilla just owns a small business where he employs 6 people and is feeling guilty thinking he’s not paying his employees enough.

A)If you are the leader of, and responsible for, a company that employees hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of employees, and through your leadership that company can continue to make profits and employ those hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of employees,

And why should the workers be entitled to a share of the success of the business?

“guaranteed assertion that for some reason a dude stacking shelves is entitled to similar pay as the CEO because something something.”

“Why should I reward my employees when I took the risk of starting and funding a business that wasn’t guaranteed to succeed?”

Yeah, remember how the money companies saved through the new tax plan would go right back to employees?

You forgot the choice for white people not to have their children go to school with Black people.

Even under your circumstances I am absolutely against school choice. It allows privileged parents an opportunity to utilize their considerable resources to avoid dealing with the ramifications of social inequality. (Unfortunately, SCOTUS has held that banning private schools and home schooling in general is

I am all for school choice, if all schools and school districts are nationally funded and get the same amount of funding per student regardless of whether they are in Bethesda or The Bronx and books are free and lunch is free too :). I do not care of that means we all have to pay higher taxes or if that means that

Well actually, test scores vis-à-vis the rest of the world have not gone up

Apparently kids are imitating it.

When they say Wakanda is not that big of a deal I counter with then neither are Panem, Hogwarts, Westeros or Middle Earth. Those are White fandom culture fighting words.