
You mean like “she bought this position fair and square with money that she EARNED!”? /s

Also the war on drugs meant to target POC...

Does a $15 minimum wage count as the government giving money to people who wouldn’t otherwise have it?

I like you, NoGas!

Yes, unfortunately his “past good work” seems to align well with what the summer safety initiative accomplishes in practice.

It seems worth noting that Rosen was part of a two cop, plain clothes unit (working under the fucked up, dangerous “summer safety initiative” that will supposedly end and presumably be replaced with something that accomplishes similar but with a different name) that killed Henry Green in 2016. Rosen fired the most

I can only speak from my imagination but I’d bet that going through what these kids have gone through would make you “grow up” real quick. They’ve seen shit that most adults in the room can’t even fathom. Fuck anyone that doesn’t think these kids should be listened to.

By that very same logic all drugs should be de-criminalized, right? The same for literally everything they don’t like.

Convenienced into submission!

I think it’s rooted in insecurity and fear. The guy you were emailing has probably had an encounter that he’s now realizing might be considered assault so he want’s to push away from that by micromanaging the definition.

Capitalism fundamentally relies on extracting more productivity from workers than they are being compensated for (hence profit), and this makes many forms of work “hard”. That’s the way it’s been for a very long time so I think we’re all aware of work being being hard.

The President will only accept an immigration deal that adequately addresses the visa lottery system and chain migration — two programs that hurt our economy and allow terrorists into our country.

Yea, this whole thing gives me serious dictator vibes. Like get an apprenticeship to learn how to make useless medals honoring your dear leader that will be sold to help perpetuate his reign. I can picture a loudspeaker in the factory constantly blasting things like:

“...the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!”

Yea, someone needs to open a “normal life” theme park now and get ahead of the curve.

Ah, that’s clarifying. Thanks for the very well put response!

This is a quote that stuck with me from a kinda crappy movie I watched recently:

Just like religion... I’ve read a few interesting articles about how the collision of capitalism and Christianity created the “money = God” complex that afflicts many people. I’d love to link to them but where I found them is escaping me right now.

Unfortunately in practice I’d be hard pressed to say this makes much of a difference. Columbus still has massive issues with accountability. It’s a deeply divided and segregated city.