
Fuck that, I’m there!!!

Black Lives Matter? Anyone is welcome to a BLM march....

Yes, I had to take a moment after that exchange.

That is an interesting paradox huh?

Just because someone’s bound to be curious...

Can I save this?

Power? The GOP will get behind anything that helps them keep power.

I’m encouraging everyone I know to watch the video. Yes it’s painful, yes it’s a train wreck, but people need to SEE it to realize what we’re going to be facing (and hopefully be inspired to act).

This train wreck confirmed it for me: The immediate future is going to be as bad if not worse than we’ve all been imagining.

Relies on manufactured reality and fake news to get elected; uses fake news to discredit damning information.

Wow, that’s enough to make him a champion of anti-sexual harassment for the GOP!

Yes! He’s only committed to upholding whatever terrible legislation comes out of the new government. =(

Sorry, I took the original comment in a general sense in regards to in-fighting on the left.

Yea, you’re right. That’s not encouraging people to take up the cause.

I haven’t been listening continuously but I’m just not feeling the pressure I was hoping for. It all feels so... routine? Like- here are some questions we know we need to ask but we’re OK with soft pitching them and you can dance around all you like!

I understand where you’re coming from; unification is absolutely necessary. But people getting involved need to be willing do some work to understand and give voice to marginalized groups, right?

Exxon also works under it’s own foreign policy that often undermines/ directly opposes US interests/government.

“It’s not OK to beat your wife.”

I literally can’t imagine what Dear Leader would say in response to this. It’s terrifying.

Wonderful parties in the afterlife, the best. The tastiest whores-day-overs, terrific! You’re all LOSERS for not being dead!