I agree with you 100% Senator Sherrod Brown better take up the flag and fight!
I agree with you 100% Senator Sherrod Brown better take up the flag and fight!
I got some perspective from another commenter regarding the hopelessness of non-privileged people. Lot’s of what I say comes from my own perspective of feeling like I’m in a bubble of privilege and I need to remember to be more perceptive. I want to stand up every day at work and scream that a lack of giving a fuck…
Thanks for giving me some perspective.
Yes it’s hard.
Maybe we’ve actually read too many books? The ones where good handily triumphs over evil.
Everything you’re saying is true. I don’t know if we can trust representatives to stand up for us either. If they can’t we have to find another way.
Oh my god. Thank you for sharing this.
I understand the frustration you’re expressing here. Be careful though, this is the trap- apathy and lack of hope that plays into the hands of those in power. There are good people out there. We need to unite and work together. I don’t think the unification needed to move past all this bullshit has even come close to…
That, is an excellent point. It’s actually kinda crazy how things have worked out. The “attack on the second amendment” has been drummed up for years, the issues polarized, etc. Now we’re in a situation where there are angry people on both sides but basically only half of them are armed. That seems damn convenient to…
The time of “never here” is over. I’ve realized how important it is to be cognizant of the past and observant of the present in order to protect the future. There’s been too much belittlement lately for drawing parallels to scary times in history- that needs to stop- that’s how we forget.
It’s almost funny, people can call us weak and crybabies while they hide behind their guns demonstrating on a street corner or sitting in their house and we make ourselves vulnerable by demonstrating unarmed.
They do not care about your right to protest. In fact they are likely opposed to it. The GOP currently has no problem undermining democracy in the name of maintaining power and privilege for themselves. The danger is that this tactic is being spun in a way that is bought into by non-elites and folks that will see no…
For sure, there are examples everywhere. Anyone in the GOP who isn’t standing up against someone like Tillerson for SOS is guilty of this as well. They are choosing elite right-wing consolidation of power over all things. How could they appear so weak as to disagree with an appointment of our dear leader?!
They remember, they just don’t give a fuck. It all feeds into the drive for consolidation of power and the repression of true democracy.
That’s an interesting study for sure. I’d like to read the whole thing at some point. I’m curious to see the details of how they make the connection of peoples’ reactions to DNA and not some learned response. (I’m thinking something like a lie detector- can’t someone learn to beat it?)
Heavy for sure. That article is a month old and it still hits so hard.
I appreciate the viewpoint you’re bringing.
It’s terrifying, the fragility, the uncertainty.
Write down what you value; what standards you hold for yourself and for others. Write about your dreams for the future and your hopes for your children. Write about the struggle of your ancestors and how the hardship they overcame shaped the person you are today.