
But then my drunken, Info-wars loving uncle merely dismisses the point because it was actually CHINA!, because REASONS!

No. No. Yes. Yes.

The GOP will do ANYTHING to win and build power. This is the shitty mentality that got us where we are.

I get where you’re coming from 100%. In a world with so much at risk prioritizing what to attack is important.

There is hope; there has to be hope. There was hope in all dark times before...

Your Grandpa sounds like a great human. Reading this makes me sad but also hopeful. Like your Grandpa we can endure.

Bloviating! That’s a new word to me and I love it; it’s the perfect descriptor, borderline onomatopoeia in this context. Thank you!!

Yes! I’m all for working through tough things with my family... but... if the only way to make family experiences “comfortable” is to suppress how they make me feel while they walk all over my beliefs/ treat me like a perpetual child (I’m 26)/ not return the understanding and respect I show them then what’s the fucking

The disturbing thing to me is how many people have apparently bought into the idea that revenge policies/burn-it-down mentality actually improves society.

Does the fact that he hasn’t had a press conference in this long make these get-togethers any more concerning though?


This is not normal! Resist!

I’ll go full on apocalyptic and say something does get done. We retaliate against Russia in a big visible way and it escalates. Meanwhile Infowars types (who are already riled up) lose their shit and go full on vigilante against anyone who might be liberal or may not support Christmas or possibly haven’t pledged

Peoples’ capacity to ignore the struggles of those even in their immediate circles never ceases to amaze me though. My mom’s best friends are two gay men. I know for a fact she doesn’t think they should be allowed to get married, and fuck she probably thinks being gay is some sort of punishment for a sin. She can

It’s so easy to neglect yourself in order to stay informed or do what’s right (protest, organize, etc), but going out and being a little selfish and enjoying yourself is necessary for health and a form of resistance as well. Take a night or a weekend to tune out, the same shit will be here when you get back!

That’s a great point, apathy bred from information inundation.

My theory (for older people at least, aka my mom) is that in light of the vast amount of information available today, the world no longer fits into the black and white, us vs them worldview they were brought up with (the world vs communism, etc). Younger people tend to realize that the world is an interconnected place

Make fighting Fascism cool again!

I think those inclined to do so should make some effort to stretch out their roots and build networks locally in ways that can allow information sharing in a US with suppressed media. We’re all so reliant on the internet and digital media and that’s the easiest to manipulate. If things go full on crazy we need

We all need to get used to fighting a lot harder for what we believe in. Getting involved in demonstrations, holding representatives accountable,volunteering for organizations that stand for our interests, and running for office even on a local level. Of course if shit fully hits the fascism fan we are indeed hosed