
Apparently coming back after 71 years in death doesn’t do much for one’s complexion.

Psshhh, “ethical” was sooo 2015....

I was thinking about this earlier too. I think we just need a Go Fund Me to raise enough money to donate to Trump in whoever’s name? Apparently that’s the easiest way to secure a cabinet position...

How do we recover after this? The new normal cannot be more people like Dear Leader trying to swindle their way to power.

Just another day in hell...

Are there any actual rules (with consequences) against conflicts of interest for the POTUS? I mean, I know I could get fired from my job for it....

“...perceived oppression of black people...” 

Yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES!!!!

Show me what egocentricity looks like!

Are you in my head?!

Yes! Language needs to stop being softened and sugarcoated when talking specifically about the garbage people trying to run the show. If it’s scary to hear, well, that’s because it is.

I like this; you’d get a long with my brother.

That’s true.

For sure! Part of that waking up requires activists to organize and be clear in their intentions, which of course is...... difficult.

Why not push for a dumber populace? Consolidated, guaranteed power in Washington only comes with a complacent, uninformed public. The greatest, truest democratic power is activism of an organized and educated groups of people in large numbers.

But they had to strip the schools of funding because big government doesn’t work, I mean just look how bad the schools are. Of course, the only way to make them better is to guarantee even less! What’s so hard to understand?

Wait, what was that? Sorry, I saw butthurt and figured you didn’t want to have a real conversation so I disregarded the rest.

Fateful even.

I love how often your comments mirror your user name.

How dare you reject Dear Leader’s benevolence!