
Thanks for sharing; that’s an awesome resource! I’ll added to my list of orgs that need support.

Hah, thank you! Now I know.

Maybe this is him appearing to be “reasonable” and keeping to the precedent.

How can we keep progressive news alive if times become as dark as expected? People need information.

THIS is what kills me. Calling people triggered snowflakes is just a way to divert from the fact that the accuser was just “triggered” by someone else’s reaction.

Thank you! I basically come here specifically hoping for Cthuhlu.

Fighting human nature to take a side. Eff them both!

Not to push too much of an agenda but depending on where you live using a black-owned bank could be an easy way to help support another struggle.

The powers that be are terrified of protest and organized action from below. It’s democracy in the truest sense and as such a direct threat to their consolidated power. The strategy- demonize and oppress the opposition and avoid an uprising and loss of power.

Another idea is to move your accounts from banks paying for the pipeline. Be vocal about why you’re closing your account.

I know Ohio (where I live) sent state troopers there to “keep the peace” and offer “protection”. If your state sent troopers you can call your governor’s office and pressure them to pull the cops out.

I think there’s another, subtle message thrown in here....

How long can my blood boil before it’s all gone?

The most disturbing thing to me about this “statement” is the weird second hand narcissism on behalf of Dear Leader. Like WTF, you love the guy sooo much that you’re willing to PAY SOMEONE just to see them write HIS NAME on a cup?!?!?!

Of all the terrible things that can happen in the next four years from this election, the outcome of the climate of the freaking planet is not one that can be undone eventually.

Pray for Moving Orange Jellybean Out-of-office.

Or worse, these are just run of the mill dudes to the clowns choosing them. It’s just Saturday night at the poker table.

Oh, you mean the one that was unsinkable right?

I will be at at least one for sure, but how volatile does that sound? Everyone planning to protest needs to take the safety of themselves and those around them (especially if they are more vulnerable than you) very, very seriously.