
“Down with the establishment!”

This is so good. This makes me feel better. Those who will do the job in Trump’s place are just as scary. We can’t get complacent.

I understand your dismay and how it may seem it’s beyond all of us. Moving beyond the White House is definitely the next step in my eyes. I know it seems difficult, and it is, but it’s not out of reach.

There are two months to formulate specific plans to deal with the GOP. What’s wrong with meeting with like minded people to stand in solidarity and support? It’s day 3, there needs to be a sense of urgency but there is time. Now is about building momentum.

Anyone who uses this as a call for unification “because he’s changing” should be politely asked to check themselves. This only proves he’s fickle and unfit for the job. It’s too damn late to be learning how to talk to people Donald!

People who support him will surely be angry when they realize that have to pay for the wall and they have to pay to remove people from the country. I wish “they” didn’t mean all of us...

It’s that exact vagueness that’s terrifying to me. So open-ended...

Yes! Bringing people together in solidarity and showing the strength we have together is as important as taking action on a personal level.

You’re not alone in your feelings. This holiday season will be very hard on a lot of families. It’s already blown up within mine. Feeling like a dog running with their tail between their legs resonates with me; I’ve not yet found a way to get a point across to friends and family who don’t want to be reasoned with.

I wish that people would be more open to caution than protecting their pride.

That can’t be ignored! We can’t forget history, especially when it comes from a survivor.

But Trump’s win had nothing to do with race! Give me a break...

PS- I’m so glad we can have a reasonable conversation without it devolving. I love it here!

I remember hearing something about the day of a politician and the obnoxious amount of time spent raising money and I was pretty damn surprised.

This is different than other elections. It’s not about accepting an opposing viewpoint and moving on and working with what we’re left with. We can’t abandon core values of equality, love, and peace in the name of getting on with it. To me growing up means taking a stand for what I believe in and against the hateful

Yes! I understand the desire for peaceful transition of power but it pains me to see Obama as the face of normalization. Pacifying the masses with language to make them forget the hateful platform and rhetoric from the past year is so dangerous.

Fake it til you make it right? How hard can that be?

I love Obama; he’s so graceful and patient.

This makes a lot of sense. Personally, I’m conflicted about term limits. It’s a 100% valid policy to argue for in my eyes but it cannot be the only solution implemented. Almost any “singular” solution I can think of is only one piece of the puzzle and could be perceived as a band-aid to say “hey we did something,

Humans are so resilient and adaptable but we can’t let that translate into normalization and complacency. Everyone you love and care about who takes a stance of acceptance should not be alienated; they should be reminded and guided towards using adaptation to overcome, not normalize and merely persist. We can’t let