
To me term limits seem like a baindaid solution to pander to people against establishment politics. It’s so expensive to run for any higher office newcomers can’t even make their voices heard. Major party support is required. Major parties will hedge their bets and mitigate risk of loosing by going with established

Such great information! One thing I want to emphasis as a monthly contributor to at least one of those orgs: Monthly donation always isn’t enough. There are some limits to what a regular monthly donation can go towards (like supporting candidates). Of course volunteering is even better but my point is- don’t be

This may be good perspective but is it relevant to the article? Regardless of how he won he’s there now and has promoted (or at the very least not denounced) these things. I don’t think its fair to isolate certain portions of his policies/rhetoric at this point. If he delivered some economic plan that spoke to Rust

Drove one of these on a 5000 mile road trip across America. Averaged high 20s mpg, ate up the miles, fit two other people with two weeks of supplies, slept in the back of it one night, AND took it up a jeep trail in Colorado to camp (with no drama and some margin). That's called versatility, and maybe why this car