
Honestly, I’ll never understand why people are so bothered by the things that other people think about video games.”

Looks like you are one of maybe you can explain it to yourself. 🤷

OTOH, if the bar is “”, you are super easy to satisfy.

Telling black people to shut up about the subject of cultural representation in American pop culture is a pretty shitty look, buddy. Maybe you should sit this discussion out, since you have nothing of value to contribute.

Wait, are you saying that you are against car safety laws, because drivers should just driver better instead of having accidents? That’s the weirdest take I’ve seen in a long time.

When I was a kid, I never had two *official* controllers for any system. It was always one official controller (the one that came in the box with the system) and at least one off-brand, Mad Catz-style controller. And it’s because my parents would walk into Toys ‘R Us to buy a Nintendo, and when presented with the

Hasn’t done much for you, apparently.

Honestly the quality is irrelevant. If folks want a charming turn-based game with a bunch of fun partners who contribute in battle and the overworld, then making a game that fundamentally lacks that gameplay isn’t gonna scratch that itch.

The fact that they made a great game then a greater sequel then abandoned what made the games great in every future entry means nostalgia is gonna hit even harder than usual, and Nintendo nostalgia is usually bananas as is.

This article was such click-bait too. Here’s a picture of stick anti-perspirant that most people use, but oh the recall is actually about spray.

Why not include the list of products in the article? Here they are:

They might be terrible and they might be doing this for the wrong reason but the refusal to accept and acknowledge that they’re on our side for this one is everything that’s wrong with politics

The whole point of almost every democratic government is to find consensus and compromise with people who might have the worst opinions you’ve ever heard but are still part of the same society you are.”

A better analogy would be, do you still watch films on VHS? Listen to music on tape? Probably not, especially when better quality versions are available.

You can’t just say “let products be products” about pop culture media as though that media doesn’t actually influence how the public thinks about history and the world around them.

If I’ve only ever had vanilla coke then yes, that is actually a helpful description. Especially if, in this hypothetical reality, vanilla coke is significantly more popular than regular coke amongst the general public.

It will also increase rewards and decrease cooldown times to make the game less grindy in its final days

So its, “So long, Gary Bowser?”

Republicans really seem to get bent out of shape when people have fun.

Anytime you hear a Republican whining about people “dropping out of the workforce” or the mythical “labor shortage”, what they’re really saying is “the serfs are getting uppity so it’s time to grind their faces a little harder.”

“How is this newsworthy? So somebody’s gay, big whoop”