It’s gambling. That’s all. Just a shiny new crypto-bro take on plain old-fashioned gambling.
It’s gambling. That’s all. Just a shiny new crypto-bro take on plain old-fashioned gambling.
It isn’t a completely accurate description though - they are actually environmentally destroying LINKS to JPGs. Like, you don’t even get the JPG. You get a receipt that says “I own a JPG in this spot” and then the server goes down.
Hear, hear. I feel the same way about other classics like Onimusha and Silent Hill. The controls didn’t enhance those games, and there’s a reason why that general control layout for movement has gone the way of the 🦤.
Agreed. I hear this all the time from classic RE fans about their beloved tank controls. That shit isn’t scary. It’s frustrating. The two should not be conflated. Nostalgia goggles aren’t scary either.
Texas. Where 5.3 million people voted for Biden? Almost 47% of the state? Also, not even sure what that has to do with anything, as people of all walks can live anywhere.
Honestly, the fact that Buzz is no longer voiced by...
I’d rather some schmuck take taxpayer money to buy himself a expensive piece of cardboard then a big company take taxpayer money it to pay their executive’s bonuses. I mean, it’s not only very funny, it’s alsoless offensive.
The fact that other awful people get away with other awful actions doesn’t change that fact.
My mother jumps through months of hoops to still not get one rat cent from this loan program for actual help for her actual business meanwhile this jagoff got handed 85 grand and they didn’t even bother to check if he had a business. This guy’s fraud isn’t even what pisses me off about this article at this point.
So we can expect all the corporate executives and republican operatives who did the same thing to also spend twenty years in prison too, right?
Well, it’s not quite a shoe, and it’s not quite a puppet, but man… heh heh… So to answer your question, I don’t know.
Alternately, do this costume, and when people ask you what you’re supposed to be, just say “Angela Merkel,” with no further explanation.
I studied Japanese for a bit and also Japanese studies/history for longer. I imagine an entire course could be dedicated solely to the impact of the Atomic Bombs in entertainment.
From Gojira himself as a representation of the worse that could possibly happen from nuclear power to the entire concept of Henshin…
Chapelle supports overt bigotry and hatred of trans folks, treats us like jokes, denies our humanity...and you don’t see the problem, because to you, the existence and humanity of trans people is an opinion to be “disagreed” about and not an issue of human rights. Those of us who live it don’t see it that way. Our…
I’m glad this is the top comment because it has all the classic trademarks of a closet bigot:
Is it because he claimed to be team TERF? How is that harmful to you or anyone else?
It’s also straight-up normal for cops to kill trans people, but that doesn’t get press.
Believing neurodivergent individuals should be sterilized is also an opinion. So is believing that black people shouldn’t be able to vote. Or that people shouldn’t have to vaccinate or mask. Sometimes opinions are really fucking bad! Like yours.
No, you are just cis and don’t have a stake in the issue. That is different from being ‘rational' and above the issue. You're just privileged to be unaffected.
I absolutely love the fact that comedians can say whatever offensive shit they want now, as long as they follow up with “And if this offended you, it’s actually you who is the problem” and people will defend them for that.