I’ve worked with a bunch of these turkeys, and “I work 80 hours” really means “I put in maybe 30-40 hours of actual work, the rest of it I spend playing phone games or shooting the shit with my bros.”
I’ve worked with a bunch of these turkeys, and “I work 80 hours” really means “I put in maybe 30-40 hours of actual work, the rest of it I spend playing phone games or shooting the shit with my bros.”
I work in video games at a studio that doesn’t crunch very much at all. It can be done.
Do you go on yelp reviews and complain that they’re too focused on their dinner rather than the current political turmoil in America?
There are some people who get caught up in social media to the point where they are able to divorce themselves of empathy to a degree that allows them to have fun raging/venting online. Usually when confronted by their behavior the reality sets in and they become remorseful.
Holy shit. What a mentally broken mindset you have.
People just need to get over the idea that they don’t have the right to not be offended by things. I think we’ve lost sight of that a little bit with everything going on. We can demand that people not be racist/sexist/homophobic and respond accordingly to people who are, but now all of that is growing into canceling…
Whatever it is, it would like you to know that it is sorrier about existential threats to the nation than toxapecs is about Wyatt Russell, or something.
Cool. So talking about separating the role from the actor - in the comments section of an article dealing with that very thing - is something we should avoid talking about in favor of the several existential threats we’re dealing with?
That this reminded you of another fictional example rather than all the current real world examples of people not being able to separate real from fake that are going on right now—and costing people their real lives—is what I find alarming.
These people really be out here carving up the *juciest* red meat for reactionary chuds to point to about the dangers of “cancel culture.” Stop making their work easier, dipshits.
At least a few could stand to sink some XP into actual, real-life character development.
This is the dumbest discourse. The concept of villains in fiction shouldn’t be “cancelled.” Just because someone voices a villainous character, it doesn’t mean they condone their villainous actions.
Are straight people okay?
Because honestly the number of straight relationships out there that seem to be based solely on physical attraction - e.g. ‘we got married even though we share no interests and my spouse actively belittles all my hobbies when she doesn’t outright ban them’ - are insane.
“He also noted that “there’s a long story to this,” which he plans on sharing in the future.”
lol, random commenter states company with a 8.3 billion dollar net worth is not a “huge corporation” film at 11
He might not have chosen to represent himself - you don’t get an appointed attorney in a civil case. Probably couldn’t afford one.
He looks like he should at least have a couple tribal tats.
Oh, no! How can we KILL CHAOS! when we can’t even load up the KILL CHAOS! to KILL CHAOS! I’m here to do two things: KILL CHAOS! and KILL CHAOS! And I’m all out of KILL CHAOS!
I think you can give them different outfits, but.... ugh, this default, why would you have it and why would you show it the whole time here!
The real chaos was the chaos we made along the way.