How DARE they charge more than the manufacturing cost for a product so that they can compensate employees for labor!
As opposed to all of your hobbies that you spend hours upon hours doing over and over to what I’m sure is much greater societal impact
Anime is only specifically japanese animation, no matter what people who do not understand the anime industry think. Anime has nothing to do with how mature something is. Just because some of the Anime you have watched has been more mature, because the Japanese do not associate animation with just for kids, does not…
“Supermarket worker Sue Morrisson also explained that in “a vibrant, modern town” these Mario pipes might work. But currently, the city is “dilapidated and tired looking,” so these fun pots just look out of place.”
But here’s the question: Was lighthouse Kay Perry dissatisfied with the trajectory of her life (singing alone in a lighthouse), so she went back in time to young her to change her life path... or, is this a self-fulfilling time loop, where, when she was young, she remembered a Pikachu hopping around in the distance…
big mood, like super big mood.
silly joke, but since they are changed by mold, are they lycans or lichen?
Yeah, the further I got into the game the more I found it baffling that nobody discovered this place earlier. Like, okay, it’s just a small village of probably <50 people and there are some monsters in it; I guess I can suspend my disbelief and accept that they’re pretty isolated and rarely interact with people…
Oh interesting! It’s always something to see how concessions and challenges find their way into finished products.
holy shit that baby that eats you wtf
Sony is deciding where to sell it’s products, which is something they are allowed to do.
Ah, shoot, I missed that. I’ve looked at Capcom’s best-selling games list before and I always find it a little confusing in terms of which games they split up by release and which games they list with all releases combined.
“Again: you have to do this ten times to get the trophy/achievement”
A couple things:
The idea that an artist is above criticism because they are occasionally subversive is possibly one of the worst takes I have ever heard.
Don’t get the Platinum Trophy, this is about Personal Responsibility (TM) is one of the shittiest takes I have heard about this topic yet. You should really, really, really STOP.
Someone walks up to you and says “I will give you a cookie if you look up that girl’s skirt”.
You’re a fucking idiot and have horrible taste. The end!
I hate ... Ponyo