
He has the BEST pages. Believe me. He has pages.

At least they didn’t do a Killer Joe #NSFW #triggerwarning

$50 on weed, $12 on beer, $6 on hot dog, $20 for Uber home and $12 to Bernie about right.

Puke licker was a Bernie bro for sure. Hat man was a Trump supporter, though.

This is tragic and horrible. T-minus how long until Gawker posts another article on how prisons are inhumane? Sorry, hope the shooter spends the rest of his life in solitary confinement.

Delicious chili you heathens. I guarantee most of these people capping on Cincy chili would love Pastitsio and/or Moussaka. It’s all about the cognitive dissonance arising from the use of the term “chili”. People expect TexMex and they get Mediterranean spiced meat sauce.

Louisville and Lexington are fine. Not a huge fan of NKY outside of parts of Covington and Newport on the Levee. Everything else in NKY is kind of poopy IMO.

Guess you guys have to take the wins when you can get ‘em. Say hi to Johnny M. for me!

Buffalo is what got me.

I think Cle-Cincy are interchangeable. Cincy gets weather advantage, but proximity to Kentucky docks points.

Ohio getting slammed for being Ohio. The three C’s should not be below BUFFALO or fucking DETROIT. Get your heads out of your asses.



Same with gun laws and criminals. We agree!

One too many t’s!

*insert witty yet cliched married couple joke here*

How long have you been sleeping with my wife?


My stomach hurt pretty bad (external pain) for a couple days. I was up late at night, and put my finger in my belly button and pulled out something out that looked a lot like this (pic found on Reddit):
