
Roger Goodell: [is constantly abused by fans of other 31 NFL teams]

Kimbo Slice was certainly no Ali, but it’s a shame nonetheless that they both die and Floyd Mayweather lives. Shows you how truly sadistic this 2016 is.


Typical hotshot corner who thinks he doesn’t need a safety.

These are the phone/Bluetooth rules in the MemeWeaverMobile®:

1) He already said that jackfruit is a better option than seitan, which is because

Snopes is a cool website. But that article doesn’t make me feel better about hearing the “feminist” woman who is probably our next president speak with such casual, even cheerful, indifference about the mild sentence of a man she believed to be guilty of the rape of a child.

Now playing

You can listen to it here and draw your own conclusions.

Per law, the dogs are required to use the bathroom that corresponds to their breed identity at birth. Which, for most breeds, is anywhere they damn well please.

Massive group-text debate going on right now. When it’s time to masturbate, are you a Stander or Sitter?

Do Not Masturbate While Seated

Nobody is arguing that ESPN has no right to show the Yankees. I’m arguing that they should stop acting they’re their fucking flagship station. I mean, at this point they’re going to shamelessly use their biggest baseball program of the week to make you hate-watch A-Rod instead of even making an attempt to cultivate an

ESPN’s televising a Yankees/Red Sox game? NO WAY!

Spurs are massively ahead on the tie break, which is goal difference. If they finish level Spurs will win the title unless Leicester record a double digit win. Leicester need 3 points to clinch.

No no no - Rocket survived. It was Benny who died.


1. Fuck you 2. You are lactose intolerant and should stop eating dairy 3. See point 1

Mets fans booing him. Classy.

Not since the fight with Nate Diaz have we seen such a mick drop.

Pantera "I'm Broken" 2:21