
Underrated comment.

Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, AMIRITE LOL?!

Nailed it.

“Sorry to pick nits, but you don’t pick knits, you pick nits, you nit wit.

Vontaze is a prick and cheap shot artist, but so are dozens of other guys that don’t get the same coverage. Pac man Jones committed his criminal indiscretions when he was on other teams. Plenty of criminals in the NFL on other teams - as long as they can play, they get rewarded with contracts.

Oh wow, a take from 10 years ago! Time machine Kinja.

That’s the tourney for you. I finally put together a good first day (I normally suck at first and do well in the later rounds) and then my champ gets knocked out by #15. Bracket busted.

March Madness Live app has VCU leading Oregon State as “Upset Watch”. Is a 10 over a 7 really an upset? I mean, of course it technically is, but I have a hard time getting excited about anything less than 11 over a 6.

I must have missed that implication in OP’s post. I went back and read it and realized I focused on the last part of the statement rather than the beginning head-scratching part. Maybe time for more coffee.

From the posts that followed from OP, I didn’t get that impression. If that’s the case, then of course that’s wrong, but britneyspears seemed to be on the other side of “wrong way to approach the issue”.

“Career politician with no real work experience admonishes Republican obstructionism while also demeaning Democratic POTUS SCOTUS justice pick”.

Those are your choices. That doesn’t make men and women who choose to ascribe to traditional/old ass/whatever you want to call it roles any worse or wrong. What works for your relationship doesn’t work for everyone else. My wife and I share bank accounts, I work, she takes care of our son full time, and we are

Oh mylanta. As a self-confessed copious sweater like Sean Miller, I NEVER wear a dress shirt without an undershirt. Additionally, if you know you are going to be sweating like this, make a better color choice. You’re a basketball coach, go nuts with the colors/patterns to hide your excessive perspiration issues.

Fine, then take 2 and call me in the morning.

Woof. I refuse to recommend this post until I find out he’s OK. Then I promise I’ll come back and give you a star.

Two of the Trumpster tattoo bros and one Marilyn Manson t-shirt and one cut-off Cooter’s t-shirt. About right.

Ridiculous to be impeached for lying under oath? Wha?!

I’m one of “those guys” that usually watches (at least the first couple rounds) of the NFL draft. I get made fun of.

Bearcat fan here. Ouch.