Gen. Hospital

I have never had much love for Taylor but I maybe love her now. Something about her using the term “ass” instead of “rear end” or “behind” or even “butt” makes this so much better. It’s complete fearlessness and lack of shame and I applaud her. We can’t ignore the immense privilege she has to be able to do this

On why the front of her skirt was not lifted:

I think it’s a good idea? They are making it clear that they won’t allow any obfuscation. He didn’t “come into contact with her posterior”, he grabbed her ass, and it was exactly as crude and gross and sexualized as the phrase itself.

That’s probably being done intentionally so the ass-grabber’s attorneys can’t downplay the action with softer language.

I don’t care what she thinks. She’s a murderer. And that’s that on that on that.

She doesn’t see it that way.
Murder requires the death of a person. Do you really think she sees blacks as people?

The advantage of paper money is that’s it’s backed by a government - a government that, despite Trump’s every effort to the contrary, will almost certainly be around to back that currency in the years to come.

One Senator is fuzzy, unfocused, and unclear in his thinking and speaking.

I once had a girlfriend who was a real fucking pig. If I stayed overnight at her place and got up in the middle of the night to take a piss in the kitchen sink, it was always filled with dirty dishes.

I’m right there with you.

While this is awesome, these kind of stories give me pause as to the state of my home and the impression it would give to FBI raiders. Like was I really too tired to throw my clothes in the hamper last night? Would the FBI guys sit around the office post pre-dawn raid and muse “hey did you see tornado’s underpanties

No where in the history of Westeros is it ever stated that Dragon glass is an ingredient in Valyrian Steel. Stop pulling shit out of your ass.

This is a bunch of libturd cuck nonsense. There is no division within the Trump administration. Everyone is singularly focused on Making America Great again, and the fakenews PC narrative can’t handle it. Look, here Kushner (left) and Bannon (guess) are at a recent #MAGA rally, does this look like a sign of

Where are you getting your information about Valyrian steel containing dragonglass? I seem to recall the books being very explicit that nobody living knows how it’s made, and I definitely don’t remember any statement that it contains dragonglass. I think the TV show has even less detail. In fact, it’s kind of an

“At any rate: that is dumb as fuck? Like, really lazy writing.”

I love how Slate’s response to the writers’ request that they spend more on the staff is to imply that if they do so, they won’t have any money to hire their replacements.

It would be interesting to see an honest Vinn Diagram of People Who Want to Keep Transgenders Out of Public Bathrooms and People Who Unknowingly Had Sex with Transgenders.

Ha! It all makes sense now! When I was at a women in tech conference last year they converted one of the men’s rooms to a women’s room. For some reason (I guess to protect our delicate sensibilities or to make us die laughing and take pics) they covered the urinals with pink clothes and placed plants in the urinals.

I’ve never seen a public toilet with a lid, either. But this reminds me of a hilarious reddit story about someone raised by a single mother who didn’t know what the “piss shield” ring that covered the bare porcelain toilet “seat” was for. He sat on the porcelain part and thought the seat part of the toilet was to

The last time I threw up was because I ate nachos that had rancid meat on them. The thing is, I knew the meat was rancid even as I was eating them, but I was really hungry. Like, really, really hungry. At one point I believe I even actually said the words “Ughh...this meat is rancid” as I was shoving rancid meat