Gen. Hospital

I want to see Michael Rosenbaum return to the role. Best part of ‘Smallville’.

I do find it mildly interesting that this is the one area where the capitalist class manages to consider the future at all (otherwise, it’s always fire 10.000 workers to pad next quarter’s numbers, without a care in the world for the numbers next-next quarter); possibly (and I do realise this makes my comment seem

Like cats aren’t devalued enough already, the bald man (who has his baldness ‘cured’... ok, when I think about it, there are more problems with this film) goes ‘watcha gonna do; animals gonna animal’ (and more or less simultaneously also ‘yes, of course he can consent to sex, he’s an aquatic man, after all’).

I’m not sure they can speak, when they come back like that. When the elderly upstairs neighbour died alone and undiscovered, he hung around me, like you describe, always just out of sight, until his semi-estranged daughter came up north and found him after a few months.

I understand supporting liberta... no, I don’t, libertarianism is bullshit, but I do know people out there do support it. Rand Paul, though, what makes a person vote for Rand Paul? Dumping his lawn clippings in his neighbour’s yard and getting his ass handed to him for it, whiny little bitch, Rand fucking Paul, WHY?!

People who believe that Jesus was a historical person should read "The incredible shrinking son of man".

So the commander in chief of the US armed forces does not, in point of fact, realize the difference between a gunship, which is a plane, and apparently what he thought was at issue here, and a gunboat, which is a... well. All I’m saying, BEFORE he commands people to kill or be killed, he should bother to learn the

Ah, yes the old “how dare you quote me accurately and with proper context” defense.

Honestly? Those clips make her seem LESS drunk than usual. Maybe there’s someone at home who pours vodka down the sink, while fox keeps the booze flowing?

When all you have is are a hammer, all you see is nails

I'm up in the middle of the night with a stuffy nosed and cranky baby, so I'm a bit out of it, but did my phone just tell me that Rush Limbaugh is going to die soon?

I’m currently listening to “The Last Wish” during my daily commute, and I’m struck by two things; very (though sort of knowingly) male gazey, and also sort of progressive but also very regressive view of women (also sort of knowingly) simultaneously, and secondly not as much anachronistic, as sort of unconcerned with

First and foremost he was a brilliant writer of short fiction; second, he was, his entire professional life here in Norway, bullied a lot for his speech impediment.

Se looks fine for 60.

That, or maybe Ed Norton has right of refusal to a ‘Hulk’ film? Seems like no one works with him twice.

It’s a weird play to satirize this type of food video in a world that has Epic Meal Time in it. This looked somewhat implausible about half way through, but didn’t look entirely impossible until almost at the very end. Plus, honestly, this doesn't look any more disgusting than about 20% of regular American fast food.

This is fun for me to read, because I’ve stopped getting books from Amazon, since they can’t seem to ship them undamaged. Bookdepository doesn’t do the no-questions-asked returns that Amazon does, but I find the very occasional re-buy (even if that costs me more) to be a lot less mentally taxing than to do three or

I'm usually more of a cat person, but we are of one soul, blanket-dog.

They also used the word “disruptive”, which to me is a huge red flag. These are silicon valley style assholes, ready to “disrupt” a market they know nothing about, dealing in a technological field they don`t understand. This reminds me of the Lockheed Martin fusion effort a few years back.

Dr. Dre, problematic as he may be, is much closer to a real PhD than David Duke.