Gen. Hospital

It is a movie

Nah, Trump can’t possibly be that stup.......

He’s going to spend more time lying to his family.

You believe that the moon is “real” in the first place?

He may have underestimated the threat, but like you said, he didn’t disregard them. In my opinion he answered the question correctly when asked; At the time, Russia was not the biggest threat to America.

Damond is “the most innocent victim” of a police shooting that he has ever seen.

Dark Willow. May she flay Trump and leave him on the White House lawn.

It totally worked.

I don’t know if he doesn’t know that or if he thinks he’s being clever and misdirecting people away from the true point of the conversation. Does he think there is literally anyone on Capitol Hill that doesn’t know adoption=sanctions? Both answers are equally plausible to me in this bizarre world we live in. I keep

So I’ve said before that this guy reminds me of my old boss. In the years that I worked for dude, I used to translate his words from Boss to English. Let’s see if I can do that here:

Let’s not forget that “adoption” here means “repealing the Magnitsky Act so that Putin will agree to resume Russian adoptions for American parents.” It is never innocent when Putin mentions adoptions.

Right — that was part of what made the Putin conversation against protocol. There was only one US translator assigned for him that night — the one that translated Japanense. He didn’t take a translator with him when he was speaking with Putin.

Also, anyone who knows some shit about Russia knows that “adoption” is actually a meaningful thing.

The big difference is that both your grandpa and your kid will have learned more things a month from now.

So, it was tremendous media. And we took a picture of everybody, the wives and the leaders, and then the leaders, and, you know, numerous pictures outside on the river. Then everybody walked in to see the opera. Then the opera ended. Then we walked into a big room where they had dinner for not only the leaders —

can we pause for a second and note that in his random hypothetical example, health insurance costs TWELVE FUCKING DOLLARS per year?? I mean, how out of touch can he get? We’re waiting for this guy to fix our healthcare?

He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.

It’s fascinating that he manages to remind me both of my 5-year old who sometimes can’t finish a thought and my 85-year old grandpa who is trying to learn a new hobby and show me everything he knows about it (not much).

“Unhinged Tangerine Man Babbles About Conspiracies; Needs Remedial Civics Class”