Gen. Hospital

The woman was Australian. In Australia, calling the police is still a good idea. She just hadn’t assimilated that well.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a male Catwoman. It might be kinda weird but the hate radiating from the fans would probably make me feel 20 years younger

It’s Doctor Who Misogynist Bingo!

I mean the Sun is famous for a fresh pair of tits on page 3 every day.

Toilet paper doesn’t come already covered in shit.

My dad doesn’t watch Doctor Who but knows what it is about. I was explaining regeneration to him and said a new actor was taking the role. A lot of people were upset. He asked why and I said guess. It’s a woman was what he said. I told he he was right. He just shook his head and called them assholes.

I would say that The Sun is less news paper and more toilet paper, but then I realize toilet paper is useful.

Those ain’t no roadies. The haircuts plus the stubble-beard plus the fitness level plus the Under Armor polos = former soldiers. They are most def ex-military - now employed as “security contractors.” Which actually means mercenaries, which means that they are hefting a Pelican military-grade weapons chest. Which

They look an awful lot like roadies to me.

You’re right. Didn’t really think this through.

if so, why’s it so big?

Hiddles’ dignity is in that box.

Her head is very large.

It would be pretty far down the list for me.

Probably due to having lived in Sydney before, she was expecting a first world country response, instead of untrained, trigger happy “officers”.

“ a nervous and easily startled, undertrained individual with an itchy trigger finger...”

A woman doctor? What if she menstruates all over the T.A.R.D.I.S.? Can’t wait to see her face off against her greatest arch enemy: Bears.