LBJ certainly knew why he was a racist piece of shit.
LBJ certainly knew why he was a racist piece of shit.
I say goddamn, what an article! I especially like this bit: “the ideology of the American right wing—always take burnt houses too seriously, and dead people far too lightly”.
I think some 4channers or something found out who he is, or at least they imagine they did. I would not post the name of this American Hero, though, as I gather he’s been threatened enough. I will always think of him as Real Life Captain America. Here’s a reminder what happens if you’re a blatantly racist douchewizard…
What I want to know is, when did he actually turn into the guy from Secret Window?
And Jared squeezed out Chris Christie for the one thing he did in his life that was competent and principled and/or doing his fucking job (I am not defending Christie; Bridgeghazi seems more his m.o. than competently executing the power of his office).
There’s a lot of shit in the comments about this woman’s stomach. This stomach tells me she’s had a kid or three; the belt buckle tells me she’s had them with her brother-cousin or uncle-dad, but lets’s not disrespect her for having lived a life. Let’s disrespect her for being an ignorant redneck, as is proper,…
Fifth Element is effectively a rip-off of the original source for this, made by, among many others, of course, the original artist.
A Portrait of Hillary and a Steaming Dookie 2020?
Donald said that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave., and his supporters would still vote for him. While I didn’t think he’d win the election, I absolutely thought that that statement was true.
Apparently, somebody who didn’t care when it ran away took care of their dog. It was found wandering the streets, and described as ‘emaciated’. Then there’s the time when Pratt gave away their cat on twitter, and got a full-blown case of Republican-rage (‘you don’t know until you are a parent’ style of thing), when…
That portrait is more qualified to president than 45.
Europeans do not switch cutlery between hands like barbarians. I have heard that Americans do this; never seen anyone do it.
Abuse of cannabis does exist, I’ve seen people damaged by it, but only once. Just like anybody else, I know plenty of people who would do well to drink less alcohol. Actually, when I think about it, your comparison to tv is not bad at all. I have never tried cannabis, but I favour decriminalisation for sure. It would…
I’m convinced Steve Bannon is one of the aliens from ‘They Live’, and additionally, that those aliens are what people with “wifi allergy” are actually sensing.
I don’t think he’s changed. I don’t think he’s doing this sort of thing anymore (I have heard zero allegations, at any rate, he might just have downgraded on the victim scale; grips instead of producers or something), but it seems (to me; completely armchair here) fully learned behaviour. What I mean is; he’s learned…
To be fair, I feel like the allegations against Parker were maybe more serious. But I digress; since the case was settled out of court, in a way, Affleck was “convicted” and presumably “punished”. I 100% agree with you. The vibe I get from him (this is 100% my reading, and in no way “factual”) is much more ‘those dumb…
Yamazaki is very good.
I’m shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked. This is the company that appified pirate taxis, and where they think laws are for other people. Reminds me a litte of GitHub, though, iirc, they leaned more clueless. Like 75% evil, 25% clueless, instead of 100% ethically bankrupt like Uber.
For all that is holy, don’t tell Trump about surströmming; he might nuke Sweden.
“That’s not unreasonable.”. Yes, fucking Bill Maher, that is unreasonable. Just because he can string together p and q, it doesn’t mean one follows from the other. If not for the fact that us guys (not me though, obviously) pee fucking all. over. the bathroom., all bathrooms should be unisex anyway.