Gen. Hospital

While we’re talking about music; Thursday night, i took my girlfriend to see Dagny perform at Byscenen. Blown. Away. If Dagny ever has a show near you, you owe it to yourself to go.

Off the top of my head; Beyonce and Madonna probably take zero shit. Probably no one else. I dunno how many producers are as bad as Dr. Cocksplat, but who knows.

A bit of a tangent, but the inability of Capitalists to see that what’s good for regular people (consumers), is ultimately going to be good for them as well is baffling to me.

Sadly, 45's administration is “governing” pretty much as expected. I mean, I’m not pretending I foresaw all the details. Even though I wouldn’t have called the immigration ban, or Bannon scamming his way onto the NSC, it all seems preordained, somehow. Like, i didn’t see the details clearly, but I saw the shapes in

I dunno, I’m sorry. Had a bad day at work. Shouldn’t have argued with you over this.

It’s a hereditary title, but a baronet is not a peer. They don’t sit in the house of lords, and they don’t enjoy the privilege of peerage. Click on the link you provided, click on the link to ‘baronet’. The second paragraph of that article stats with

Actually, I think you’ll find a baronet in Britain is, in fact not a peer.

And jesus, just let it go, man. We all know you got your “Phd” from Belligerent U. at this point, “Doctor” Luke. You are en embarrassment to fake doctors everywhere. You’re so despicable, Dr. Dre’s history with women is giving you side eye. So you technically have Ke$ha under contract, but this shit was funny never.

Laura Benanti does a pretty spot on Melania.

It’s my understanding that if a girl is polite to a guy, the guy sometimes becomes convinced the girl likes him. I think we’ve all seen this happen; where two people meet, and one of them is desperate to have the other person like them. More often observed by beautiful blondes in a sundress at the beach bar, than

Bannon isn’t “played by an actor wearing a Scream mask”, he’s being portrayed as Death, the destroyer of worlds. It doesn’t even look a little bit like a Scream mask. Fake news! SAD!

This is obviously a flase flag operation to discredit open carry and 2nd amendment folks. Emails! Gun... gunghazi? gungate? Pizzagun!

I usually find her credible from a dialog perspective, but yeah, a little flat emotionally. I hope Al Pacino doesn’t read this and think I’m disparaging him, I just meant that he’s been very good at finding roles that fit his style. Ryan Reynolds likes to play a cocky piece of shit, and he’s been very good at finding

Almost as if her messy personal life (I’m not judging; life is a learning experience, and I obviously have no idea about what went on other than what I got from the tabloids) when filming Snow White influenced her on-the-job performance or something. I’m reminded of when people used to shout at me (yes, shout) when I

Awesome is a tall order. It is much better than IMDB thinks, where it has 6.1. I’d rate it more at 8/10, probably. Awesome username, btw.

Do people really think he can’t read? I mean, the fear of stairs, Alzheimer’s, morbid narcissism, addiction to diet pills. There are plenty of theories, ranging from self-evident to implausible. I think several of them probably are true, but did he really finish college without reading? I’ve yet to see anyone make a

Have you seen American Ultra?

It is funny that the Orange King is so into Twilight, and so protective of Robert.

It’s a powerful portrayal, in contrast with Pee-otus, so I am convinced he loves it on many levels, both pragmatic and vain. Bannon is a Nazi, but not a dummy, unlike Trump, whose strategy always seems to be to argue forcefully/rudely/profanely, Bannon has access to every sort of tool, and the intelligence to know

Can the President order the secret service (or ss for short. /jk, I have great respect for the secret service, and that agent who said she wouldn’t take a bullet for Trump should have quit/should be fired.) to shut down SNL? Would he try to use the secret service as his personal army? Would Bannon try to stop him? (In