Gen. Hospital

Because of where this thread is, I am now picturing Jude Law lecturing you about the evils of leaving breadcrumbs in the sink or whatever.

I mean cops aren’t my favorite people. And it’s easy being an outsider looking in. Also I’ll be 40 next year, and I’m a white man. However, it seems to me, american cops aren’t really well trained in... well, anything. I live in a city of 169,972 inhabitants. The cops shot... no one last year. In 2015, they fired a

Exibit C from the previous article is maybe my favorites promo photo of all time; she’s screaming internally, ‘my SKIN is TOUCHING HIS SKIN’, and he’s just fuming, saying to himself in what he imagines is a SPOT ON impression of Clint Eastwood, ‘you get one picture, creep’.

Feral cats can for sure become housecats. My little (12lbs) hellion is a cuddlebug like you wouldn’t believe, but he left 3 permanent marks on me when I first got him into the house. His brother preferred the free life though, and walked off after three years.

Here where I work (different country) the bathroom closest to my office isn’t even labelled as ‘unisex’, it’s just a bathroom. There are two stalls; ancient custom (from before I started working here), dictates that the one on the left is male, and the one on the right is female, but really it’s more of a guideline.

That... can’t be true. What about ‘Heike’, for instance? I grant you, mostly female, but certainly not ‘obviously’ so.

I wish I was cool enough to paint my fingernails.

I wish more liberals would do this to conservatives (this is a huge problem here in Norway too). Conservative policies either don’t work, or are engineered to benefit a small subset of the community, and conservative ideas are likewise, or just out of touch with reality (voodoo economics, bathroom bills,

There’s always that one guy who thinks the expanding circle of empathy is a bad thing.

I don’t have kids. I’m not sure I would kiss my kid on the mouth. It doesn’t seem like a common thing here in Norway. But why not? I have certainly seen parents do it. I honestly thought U.S. parents did it pretty much constantly. Duff is a human person, capable of making decisions for herself. In this instance, she

If you’ll forgive a car analogy, this is like a newly hired traffic controller at a bus company; “I don’t need up to date information on where all the buses are, we all know they drive on roads.”

To the extent that “female values” are objectively better than “male values” (i.e.; mostly/completely(?)), I welcome the “feminization” of society.

Would you also make season 2 really bad?

This is a success-story! So happy you went to bat for your fellow humans! Too few do. A lot of people would have shrugged and moved on from this.

If by ‘mediating’ you mean ‘stroking’, and by ‘interests’ you mean ‘his dick’ and/or ‘his ego’, then sure.

No, this has nothing to do with cost, or “why should I pay for your whorepills?”, or “think of the children!!!”; they simply don’t want women to enjoy sex without fear of consequences. You can tell, because they’re not (typically) against abortion when the woman is “innocent”, like if she was raped or in cases of

His clearest plan is ‘grab them by the pussy’, and his most decisive moment was when he kept that contestant on The Apprentice because ‘everybody loves a fat guy’.

There’s a question whether (and this begs the question whether Trump can build such a thing) a good staff can keep an incompetent president floating. Can any amount of staff keep a gaslighting vampire-kendoll-president in check?

But then you get Mike Pence. Are you sure you want to?

Hard to argue with that logic, actually. Christie has some human qualities; i.e. he’s a fat guy who struggles with his weight (I’m not fat-shaming him, I’m just saying he’s apparently struggling with his weight), he’s such a fan of Bruce, proud to be a Jersey boy (not sure New Jersey is so proud of him any more),