
Yeah Perkins is dead wrong on this.  Westbrook was better than Durant on the thunder though.  Durant has been better since he left though.

Nah fuck that racist guy.

Even if it won't stick because you think your jurists are racist you gotta charge SOMETHING.  Charging down to get a conviction is one thing.  Ignoring a crime, nah.

Yeah I think the dumbass media heads who broke everything realized how much they broke the site and are trying to fix it now but they don’t have anyone smart enough to actually pull off any degree of social consciousness.

If you read the whole article you would notice this plan DOES do that.

Not until Republicans are voted out of state and local office sadly. State governments mostly decide how and where to spend money like that.

Annual = 1 year.

Sausage flavor is like 70% spices/garlic anyway so vegan sausages are usually quite good. Extra bonus, no gristle.

I would actually argue that.  One of GMs biggest selling points to people in the US is that it is a US company.  Without the US production plants why would anyone actually buy a Chevy?

“pieces” sure. Yet the actual research, done by actual experts finds otherwise.

I like this dual dumb argument that every anti union person has. “Union workers get paid too much!” Also “Union workers get screwed by their union and provide no benefit!”.

eh. I would make the argument that Europe isn’t really any less right-wing than the USA.

Except it doesn’t, because that clause is way overly vague and would be unlikely hold up in a lawsuit.

How about? Porscheens?

that’s because the Chinese government is practicing a more honest form of capitalism compared to the US where there are a couple levels of subterfuge on top including ascribing issues with pure capitalism on communism to get to a more pure capitalism.

Computer programmer here. They do give confidence values, it doesn’t help, often times the computer is very confident... and just way off.

1) Who the hell is Tom Steyer?

I’m surprised there isn’t a moment where he just says “I’m a god dammed American Hero.”

Actually I DO know that.... Employees who aren’t part of unions would get less.because its a fact that those emploees you mentioned in right to work states arent as well off.

Cheating on your wife and forcing her into threesomes is wrong and should never be done. That said I could see how you could think you could be with someone forever and then find out that wasn’t the case 3-4 years down the line especially if you had never been in a long term relationship before.